Margaretta Byers


Dear All,
Caution should be given for all those who use this
message board in putting your views across. Naming names is a very
dangerous thing to do. One may get views from others willing to put their
points across (when asked) BUT to then put their names in black and white
saying they said this that and the other is foolish and extremely dangerous
- more so if you are quoting a high profile person (as was in this case). I
do hope Joanna was given permission by the person whose name she has
so blatantly mentioned and whose views she took on board!

Margaretta Purtill (Nee Byers)
(President Kalimpong Association UK)

150 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5AE

Tel: 0207 410 0330
Fax: 0207 410 0332

This is an e mail message sent to posted here upon request by Mrs. Margaretta



Hi Everyone!!!!
Just spoke to Mr Brooks to ask him some feed back on the running of the School-he is very well aware of the state of affairs & said he was totally helpless as the board of the school would not allow any interference-He was all for the OGBS handling the affairs of the School-
Here are a few pointers
1.We could file a RTI(Right to information act) whereby they would have to show us the records in 1month-its a new act here in India where people are held accountable when they are questioned
2.How do we go about handling Mr Robertson(fr CCU)??????????
3.Margherita fr London could give us alot of feedback as i think she is a committee member
4.George-Bertie Temple was/is the Principal of Barnes School in Nashik-Fred Menzies & Mr Brooks were his special guests at the Annual Day in 2006-its a very good school-A lot of my neices/nephews fr Mizoram studied there
5.KEVIN-Mr Brooks thinks U would make a very GOOD PRINCIPAL for the school
Guess this all for the moment
WE SHOULD NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!smile.gif

desmond paul


Fantastic and strong comments by Kevin,Angela and Joanna. I fully support Kevin's view throughout.There are so many OGB'swho could be in top positions but sidelined.They could be the answer. I wish David Gundlach, Bill Esslemonte and Robert Street would take up Angela's and Joanna's lead. The girls are still young and six years is a long way off.

This young generation may hold the key.

If an assessment was done on all buildings for maintenance, the results will be shocking. The money collected from the alumni members will be a pittance, as the repair bill will be colossal.

I believe that the Homes land around the periphery is being sold or given to settlers by who knows. Only an investigation will tell. Deolo and the top flat are gone to Developers a long time back. A building has been built and the Surrounding area developed for tourists. From this spot you get a fantastic view of the School as well as the amazing Rangeet river. 42 years back on this spot on a moonlight night I remember so many of us singing "Ten Guitars".I must have sung like Enge. The money from the sale well??? must be huge because it is prime land. It would have easily been enough to refurbish all the Cottages top to bottom. I do see an expensive looking shed on top of the Hart Verandah though.

500 acres in this day and age is massive for a school of 700 students. Instead of collecting donations for repairs, it will be more beneficial if the authorities sell some of the the land around the periphery to developers which I feel is inevitable, at a good price. This will serve three purposes. It will cut out the middleman secondly, it will create a buffer from further encroachement from Settlers and lastly it will generarate more than enough money to carry out repairs to each and every building, cottage and roads and TOILETS and bring them back to their former majestic glory.

In terms of Settlers a lot of us cannot forget that people like PK besides providing amusement were the backbone of all jobs which most would,nt or could,nt do and in that, they were part of our team.Their wages were low and all they wanted was a small plot to build their own small little house and raise a family.They are innocent in the bigger picture.

It is good to know that Warwick is engaging the Locals in whichever Village it is for a good cause.

Sorry again George for going off at a tangent.




wonderful that this discussion on maintainence comes up. when i last visited school and my cottage about 10 years ago, i was in tears/

the tears being partly my joy at seeing all things familiar and fond memories being brought back but also how things had changed.
the dilapated conditions of the buildings especially the cottage made me realise how long these structures have stood there.
thus this is a good time to look at maintainence.

i would not know how to go about it, and maybe my thoughts will be on similar lines to the others before me who wrote, like

1. looking at the situation/process of how maintainence is now done or carried out
2. how does the school prioritise in terms of the whats needed
3. the budget made available from school so far
4. identify the resources that are available to support this effort whether it terms of funds, materials , labour etc

its just a thought


Daphira Khongwir


JR, any idea of what the legal situation/ status is of the school? Can you check with Sid Pradhan?


George Fielding-Tweedie


Kunzang, Kevin and Angela, as one of you I would like to thank you for your entering into this truly thought provoking yet delicate subject, with your valuable points of view.

It's wonderful having so many OGB's participate with so much pride, feelings and desire to see DGH restored to its former glory and beauty, which we all in one way or the other hold so close to our hearts and memories. For many of us it was our home, our school in fact our very life line.

I think it is very important to understand the issue/s at hand and while we may not be part of the problem, I understand we have come together now to be part of a hopeful solution eventually.

I did remark some time ago that we should be proactive in our brainstorming and no matter how crazy the idea may be let us log it in. Sooner or later we would have to cosolidate refine our thoughts to bring about workable solutions.

Kevin I gather from your note that the DGH Calcutta Committee are some kind of impenetrable stronghold and are major players and final authority in designing and outlining policy & procedure for the 'future' of DGH. I must admit total ignorance on how the whole set up operates but it certainly sounds like a body of administrators that are stagnating and pretty set in their outdated views and ways. David you seem to have a pretty good idea on how the mechanism works, but if there is someone out there who can elaborate or provide us with a flow diagram of the executive and decision making hierachy for starters, it would certainly give all the rest of us a clearer view of how the organizational and executional principles work for DGH.

Till then lets keep thrashing away. I am certain money, is not the only solution, on the contrary it may be further encouragement for misuse.

By the way is it possible to get a list of OGBs who are heads of Schools and similar establishments (if any). I believe our dearest Bertie Temple is somewhere around probably listening and absorbing everything that we say. Errol you are cordially invited to this discussion.

John Rai


Kevin Phillips wrote:

Many OGBS are holding Principal's posts in good ole Anglo-Indian Schools in the country and have chosen not to make a bid for Headship in the Homes over the years because the Board of Management in Calcutta just DO NOT WANT IT! They do not entertain applications from OGBS for the posts of Headmaster and Principal. Now this certainly tells you alot!

I want to ask the question to all: What utility is the Current Board of Management to the school? Tmes have changed and their responsibility of getting jobs for OGBS does not hold valid today- infact it died off after Mr. Crowe left. Yet look at our Board and see the expenses incurred for their comings and goings to the school!

Angelia's comments about the Fonings residence gives you an insight of the true situation of the nefarious activities. Mind you Peter Foning, bless his soul, began the self agrandisement movement and I was working in the Homes way back then.

So your cause of a Fund is noble but too many questions need to be answered and George Tweedie's points are comprehensive and valid.

I could go on but I think I've done enough damage and what I've written is with no malice.


Finally, I get the answer. In my time alone we had about 4-5 changes  of Princi and Headu, used to wonder sthen... WHY DGH do not have OGB as Principal or Headmaster. Because this will surely make the DGH better institute with its unique traditions and heritage intact. Probably this  will solve ALL the major problems. The board should give this thought or atleast the committee should realize it. - Thanks Mr. Philips. JR.



Kevin Phillips


Many OGBS are holding Principal's posts in good ole Anglo-Indian Schools in the country and have chosen not to make a bid for Headship in the Homes over the years because the Board of Management in Calcutta just DO NOT WANT IT! They do not entertain applications from OGBS for the posts of Headmaster and Principal. Now this certainly tells you alot!

I want to ask the question to all: What utility is the Current Board of Management to the school? Tmes have changed and their responsibility of getting jobs for OGBS does not hold valid today- infact it died off after Mr. Crowe left. Yet look at our Board and see the expenses incurred for their comings and goings to the school!

Angelia's comments about the Fonings residence gives you an insight of the true situation of the nefarious activities. Mind you Peter Foning, bless his soul, began the self agrandisement movement and I was working in the Homes way back then.

So your cause of a Fund is noble but too many questions need to be answered and George Tweedie's points are comprehensive and valid.

I could go on but I think I've done enough damage and what I've written is with no malice.


John Rai


There has been certain number of inquiries regarding the school management,the board and the administration. The fact is nobody knows well how the funds from the donors has been managed and who is accountable for it. DGH has a complex way of running its operation. All of us may not have right to know about this but even the donors have no idea about it. To cut is short there is no transparency.

So, i dont think theres going to be any improvement unless the board or management appoints some officials for its "Accountability System". The main purpose for the creation of this system is to ward off complaints and incidents that leads mis-management and other dislikable factors.

Lets keep discussing,

Kunzang Lhamu


Dear OGBs,

Thanks for raising this topic and all the innovative and noble ideas put forth. I for one am all for it and would be very happy to help and contribute in any way I can. I feel very sad when I read about all the corrupt practices, when I see (thanks to this website) the conditions of the cottages and also hear from friends that the overall quality of the school has declined....Are the values that the school propagated so vigorously also in shambles? Its high time for the OGBs to come in and do something about it! I would like to add my two paise bits to the suggestions already made: As a start off

1. we need to get the true picture i.e an overall view of the actual condition of the school and the way it is being managed - how the funds are managed, the processes in place, etc. - there must be an OGB (a neutral person) there who would be able to provide that for us. We need to get as much accurate information as possible.

2. We also need the advice and insight of alumni staff such as ex-principal Mr. Brooks...

3. The suggestions and views of more alumni members would be very important.

Another question is how can we intervene without it being seen as interference by the school authorities.

warm regards,


Christine Cramer


EW, commend you for bringing out this topic and do agree with all of you...our school is in total disrepair and we do need to put forth our ideas to help restore our great heritage....bearing in mind the sentimentalities of the current staff/teachers, who may not take kindly to interference, for obvious reasons.....


Angela Stanislaw


Boy, do I feel like a weight is going to be lifted off my shoulders. I visit the Homes atleast once a year and I've seen the staff homes like the Foning residence turn into a palace with a guard present at all times. I've seen the so called New Centenary Cottage with huge cracks in the foundation and rooms with meldew that are causing the house parents there to get sick, which means the boys are probably prone to get sick as well. I visited this cottage in January 2008. I had to finally tell Mrs. Glashan "No" when she asked if I could donate to Elliott cottage so that the cottage could have some iron bars on the windows. What is this, the cottages are turning into prisons while the staff personal homes are becoming palaces. It is so sad for me to visit DGH. Yes, they have a lot of full fee paying students (paying somewhere like Rs. 60,000 a year). I hear that all the funds for Thorburn Cottage was not used because the school settled for a contractor, related to some staff in the Homes and cheap material was used for the cottage so give it another couple of years and we shall soon see the results. I had this instinct of corruption going on long before I knew anything and that is why I preferred to sponsor a child (or rather two) so that my money would not be misused. I see the kids for myself and I just take things directly for them when I see them. There's a boy there, named Russell Francis, an Anglo-Indian who is in class 11 and comes first in class. Well, he does not have anyone to sponsor him to go to College when he finishes school. Do we choose to renew or build a new cottage or send the child on for further studies especially as one such as Russell who is the brother of the girl I sponsor and who is determined to make something of himself so that he can get out of living in a tiny room with 6 brothers and sisters and only a mum to help. I speak for myself. I would rather help someone who is alive then for dead iron bars across windows. I cannot help Russell as the boy I sponsor has just finished class 12 and got 1st div. (I sponsored him since he was 6 years old) and I'm going to continue help him get a career. My little girl will finish in 3 years and I will need to help her with a career as well. Even if I were a millioneer I don't think I would give money to the school without overseeing the project myself and getting a detailed account and selecting my own contractor. But I don't have money or the energy to throw into something where greed thrives to the fullest. Let's not be blind. Yes, I would love to volunteer as a house aunty for free for a year to start with but I would not be able to keep my mouth shut to the truth and being thorough which is exactly what the old school taught me.



Hi David-really appreciate yr views-i totally agree with you on most of the points you mentioned
If I may I too would like to add a few of my own
1. Woodburn Cottage was renovated by the Girls of that cottage as a tribute to Aunty Jean for all her love/dedication to us-It was initiated by Sedhar Ball(chozam)& Mr Bannerjee was handling that money that was sent by the Woodburn girls
2.From what i hear about the running of the school affairs the less said the better-their own personal houses are getting bigger/better so are the bank balances
3.It would be nice if we as OGBS had more say in the running of the school/funds-more so because all of us in some way have love for the school & am sure all would luv to give back something in what ever way we can-Majority of us are/have done well in life & what we contribute would be selflessly done.I for one would love to teach/be a house parent(for free) when i retire in 6yrs-so maybe if there are more volunteers we can still save our school from DESPAIR also it would be a great opportunity to help in restoring all the dilapidated buildings
My question is:what are the chances of that ever happening???????????
I am sure we all are concerned the way the school is functioning today & many feel helpless as we do not know how to turn it around-I am sure with all our thinking caps on we can work it out-so please folks LETS MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN WHATEVER WAY WE CAN!!!!!!!!

David Gundlach


Hello Guys,

A few thoughts if I may, not in any particular order.

a. It has always been my view that maintenance and its funding should be the exclusive domain of the school authorities. The Homes is becoming more and more a fee paying institution and, therefore, its school fees should be pitched adequately to fund general maintenance of all buildings on the campus. That is to say it should not depend on specially raised funds to fund its every day obligation to keep the estate in good order.

b. Notwitstanding the above, I am conscious of the fact that, in recent years, it seems to have become the custom for OGBs to raise funds to give their cottages a facelift at these cottages centenary years. However, a facelift every 100 years can hardly be adequate!

c. Projects should be called for only for, yes, you guessed it, one-off specials which are desperately needed etc and not for routine everyday maintenance. We already have in place 'Sam Tshering's' OGBs Heritage Foundation to cater for the Homes's special needs which cannot otherwise be funded out of fees and the like.

d. Any fund raising project under the Homes's banner should first have the formal approval of the Board of Management. I understand that the Heritage Foundation did not clear its formation with 'The Board' to the consternation of the Board. Apparently the Board had no idea that this Trust had been formed even though some members of compound staff had been appointed as its officers. There has also been a story going around that funds were raised in Kolkata by some unknown(?) well wishers, in aid of DGH but to this day no one can account for the apparent disappearance of the funds so raised and no one has come forward accepting responsibility. I have mentioned this last bit not to imply that the same could transpire in respect of this proposed Maintenance Fund but to underline the point that, where funds are raised in the name of the Homes, in the final analysis it will be the Board which will be held accountable should anything untoward occur.

e. We have here in the UK The Kalimpong Association (UK) and its charity arm The Kalimpong Association (UK) Charitable Trust, the latter having been set up in the mid 1980s. The charitable trust has been part-sponsoring several children in DGH. At present we, that is the trust of which I have been a trustee from outset, part-sponsor some 30 children. Sponsorship in this context means a commitment not only during schooling in DGH but beyond through college and university. As such, I would not want to see competition for funds from newly formed projects. Because of our commitment to these children most of my donation is channelled through this trust.

f. I am and have always been very conscious of the fact that we in the west, who have got used to different standards of housing etc, can be over critical of what we deem to be completely unacceptable standards of maintenance and the like. However, even allowing for that, I cannot help but conclude that the standard (or lack of) seemingly found to be quite acceptable these days is appalling. For proof, one need only look at the photograph of the rear of Wiston Cottage posted on our dghalumni site. That must surely present a health and safety issue. By contrast maintenance and refurbishment of Woodburn Cottage has been of a very high standard. Why, one might ask, have all or most of the other cottages not received similar attention? After all, it is now some years since Woodburn received such attention.

g. So far as accountability is concerned, I am inclined to the view that those on the compound responsible for maintenance of the compound need to open their eyes and do something about it. If need be, they should of course seek and get help, including adequate budgeting from senior authority, i.e the Board. For their part, the Board should hire only those who can and will deliver proper maintenance. Standards have been allowed to slip with little apparent signs of recovery. Someone has got to pull their finger out! I am here very conscious of the extremely sad state of Willingdon which, some seem to view, as being too far away - amazing.

h. What is the point of building new cottages while allowing existing ones to decay and crumble? Perhaps new cottages are needed to house those who fall ill in those older cottages where health hazards are prevalent!! Further, it is much more glamorous and romantic to spend money on erecting a new building than to spend thousands on essential repair and decoration (maintenance).

j. I don't suppose it would be unfair to observe that Woodburn girls are very, and rightly proud of the appearance of their beloved cottage. On the other hand, could the other cottage girls and boys be equally proud of the state of their beloved cottages - I doubt it somehow.

So far as sounding out some of our now elderly and much respected former staff members is concerned, I am not sure that would yield a great deal. Conscious of the fact none of them is getting any younger, it might not be fair to involve them. Besides, they might not wish to be charged with interfering etc if approached by other than the school authorities. Also, one might enquire, is it fair to involve them at this late stage of their lives, unless of course we have in mind some younger former managers as well? I am all for leaving our former teachers to fully enjoy their well earned retirement, free of stress or controversy.

In sharing these views I may have digressed somewhat but I cannot help reacting in this way when I see photographs such as the one of Wiston. Bearing in mind my 'allegiance' and obligation is to our Trust here (and therefore to the children who need our support), and some of the views which I have expressed, one can say that, on balance, I am not in favour of yet another fund raising body being formed. However, I would not wish to dampen the enthusiasm of those of you who are keen to set up such a fund, EVEN after you have read my views. All I would counsel is that you decide whether to proceed only after thinking the whole thing through.

Best wishes


Errol Webber


Warwick Lee wrote:

Hi everyone, including the Head Prefect (tugs forelock in acknowledgement of presence of superior being),
I am happy to help in whatever way re funding.  As I think I mentioned in an earlier post I am currently working with a local Rotary Club in Tasmania to see if we can match funding with Kalimpong Rotary to help them with a computers for villages project.  I mention this because the project comes under the Rotary International guidelines and has a number of checks and balances that ensure, as far as possible, probity and auditing of expenditure.  There is also a mechanism for a tax deductible trip by an Australian representative to travel to the project country to help oversee the project.  Just a suggestion that using Rotary with its local representation may be one way, but certainly not the only way, to get some projects under way.  Let me know what you think.  Cheers, Warwick.

Good to see you here WL. I see you have taken a break from looking for the rest of those photos you promised. This serious topic does take precedence over those photos but please continue to search for themwink.gif. Your suggestion above is a worthy

Warwick Lee


Hi everyone, including the Head Prefect (tugs forelock in acknowledgement of presence of superior being),
I am happy to help in whatever way re funding.  As I think I mentioned in an earlier post I am currently working with a local Rotary Club in Tasmania to see if we can match funding with Kalimpong Rotary to help them with a computers for villages project.  I mention this because the project comes under the Rotary International guidelines and has a number of checks and balances that ensure, as far as possible, probity and auditing of expenditure.  There is also a mechanism for a tax deductible trip by an Australian representative to travel to the project country to help oversee the project.  Just a suggestion that using Rotary with its local representation may be one way, but certainly not the only way, to get some projects under way.  Let me know what you think.  Cheers, Warwick.

George Fielding-Tweedie


Des, Your burning passion and feelings on the subject as you have expressed are admirable. If I remember correctly, the appalling condition of the cottages as seen in photographs posted on this web page is what sparked off this topic and for the time being it may be a good thing for all of us to constantly remind ourselves of the subject that is to be kept in focus.

I think in some kind of prioritized order we need to -

1. Establish from among us a representative body or indiviudual most qualified to liaise with the concerned authorities. When I say qualified I would refer to an individual from among us who has -

(i) Spent at least a complete academic tenure with DGH
(ii) Familiarity with the School, Cottage Administration infrastructure
(iii) Has made regular visits (even as holidays) to DGH
(iv) Has some time of day to be able to dedicate himself / herself to the issues at hand
in this case the run down cottages.
(v) The ability to carry out an active liason with concerned authorities at DGH and in
discussion / consultation with OGB Members.

2. Acquire through the appointed OGB rep first hand and acccurate information on what
is/are really the conditions out there and separate fact from fiction.

3. Proceed to establish whether the Management really do need the input and
assistance from the alumni such as ours or not before any attempt is made by us.

4. If yes, then in a nutshell it would be our goal to determine the areas where
assistance is needed and offer workable solutions.


Des & John! I agree contributions / donations may not necessarily be the answer at all and I would certainly not use 'funds' as a lure piece or incentive to convince OGB management into considering or utilizing the expertise and experience of the alumni members.

It may be a good idea to begin rapport and communication with a Respected ex Principal / headmaster and Senior School Teacher/s.


The first names that come to my mind for forming a Rep group or council would be -

1. David Gundlach
2. Robert Street (Is he on our member list if not - why not)
3. Alan Carey ( ----------------------do --------------------------)
4. Errol Webber

PS Would love to have some of our lady stalwarts come forth !!

John Rai


I for one feel same as Mr. Desmond. DGH has maximum paying students now, DGH is receiving donations after donations from the worldwide committees and foundations. More donors/OGBs are there doing their job silently or atleast listed as lifetime donors, DGH even collects donations from newly admitted pupils each year.
And we hear that DGH is on sale, its properties on mortgage, bankcrupt etc etc.
This is very sad and disrespect to the institure and the founder. Is this due to lack of authorities management or is this institute facing some serious mysterious problem.

I hope Mr. David will be happy to take the task in his right hand and surely PK  on his left hand smile. Also hoping to hear from Mr. Thambudorai.


Desmond Paul


George has written something which I never heard of and that is DGH is up for closure and sale.This is truly shocking and if it is happening than it is a disgrace of epic proportions to those who are part of this process.How is it possible for these people to tamper with the Legacy of a Great Visionary as if it was theres to give away. Do they really understand what they are doing.Don't they have any respect for Dr Grahams. DGH was formed for the care of the Anglo-Indian Children left behind during those sad days.

OGB's have benefited from the education and with this tool have advanced well in life. Some silently and faithfully have donated and sponsored needy Children. During those earlier days the very survival of the School was due to donations and sponsorships but now there are so many full paying students. Most needy students are sponsored so they are fully funded. The number of free kids are miniscule in Comparision.The School is flush with cash and there is no need for donations for running of the School.

The School needs to continue to exist for the future generation of Needy kids and all donations should go for their wellbeing and controlled by a Caring and sincere Social body. I am not in favour of anyone donating unless the proper checks and balances are put in place.

There are some who love the Homes so much that they are crying out OGB's to donate for projects. They are truly great. But is it the right thing to do. What if after sacrificing so much that it just increases the value for Developers or others to take away.

Robert Street from Scottish Canadian has founded a big and very Successful School in Shillong out of scratch and without donations, and here DGH a very successful school seems to be heading in the opposite direction and does not seem to manage with donations upon donations. I know a School in Siliguri which started out similiarly and is so flush with cash and even takes on free Students and does not depend on donations.

I think we need to vote for David to take a trip to the Homes and find out whats going on on a no nonsense basis. Probably he can stay in a Cottage and work for free.I think he is the best candidate for the job as he is smart, retired and is flush with cash and so blind to temptations. Others will need to do their part when the pressure is on. The perk is he gets to meet PK.

George you are truly proactive. I take my hat out to you.

I spoke to Mr Thambudorai 30 minutes back and he will get back to me in a weeks time. He was'nt keeping too well and so couldnt attend Jigmi Thinley's inaugaration as PM.

John Rai


Thank you, Mr. Errol for presenting this topic here. Hopefully we get a good and positive response towards this project.

Mr. Tweedie is absolutety right this step of ours might instigate the authorities. This has happened in the past with one of the youth OGB's foundation, while attempting to renovate one of major school property. However, they have succeeded in other schemes.

So probably we do need to connect to DGH first via Mr Brooks or Mr Thumboodarai and even the Rev Webster. So how is this possible? Anybody there with solution?


George Fielding-Tweedie


Errol & John isolating this topic for dedicated ongoing discussion is a good start. Well done!! There are a couple of things that we do need to perhaps get going and I would like to present some thoughts at random to take the subject off to hopefully, a virile, positive and result oriented level.

1. Bring all members up to date (highlight) with the executive stalwarts at DGH.
2. Elect from among us someone from among us who is totally familiar and updated with
the current set up and conditions at DGH, and who would have the time and
dedication to be able to direct and administer this project from start to finish
3. Start up an ongoing two way communication with concerned authorities on site at
DGH within regular briefs and updates to members to get a sense of direction.
4. Perhaps most important of all, would be to investigate with concerned authorities at
DGH as to whether they percieve the proposed efforts of members as worthwhile,
workable and needed. (One of the reasons that would prompt me to establish this is
because I personally heard through the grapevine some years ago that DGH was in
actual fact up for closure & sale). Our efforts could be viewed as positive while on the
other hand this could also be interpreted as 'interference' . I believe that at some
stage some aspects of inside administration and financial summaries may have to be

5. Actually it may be a good idea to set up a section on this web page which
encourages / invites both old and new staff from DGH to express themselves very
much on the ame lines as we have our ongoing 'chats' with one another
(Photographs to be included). I for one, and as an example, would like very much to
hear from Mr Brooks or Mr Thumboodarai and even the Rev Webster.

Errol Webber


John Rai & myself were discussing, yesterday, about how we 326 ogbs could raise funds towards the maintenance of the buildings in DGH. Also, the topic has been festering amongst a few of us for some time now.

Central to this project would be that we should all be able to see and keep track of how much is in the kitty (fund) and we decide (by votes) how to spend it. This would be done via this web site. Transparency should be the key component.

I envisage "Before" and "After" photos of the particular project (building) posted to this site.

I now throw this open for discussion and should there be any, please use both your first and surname (nothing else). If your name does not appear then your comment will be deleted by Admin, giving you the option of trying again. I suggest ladies use their maiden names only because it is easier to identify you but that is optional.

Can I suggest you make your point and keep it short but bear in mind you can elaborate if need be. Regards - JR & eW.

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