Christine Cramer 6 Days ago


I don't blame the Site Admin. for keeping a strict vigil on this site - as u can now see why. Hope other OGB's who have gone off this site understand this is exactly why Ew/JR do what they think is right to keep this site user friendly and respectful.
Yeah, Bravo EW & JR.....

George Fielding-Tweedie


Woho!! Site Administration,

What's this all about?? Has somebody been naughty and stepped out of line? Mr Sohoboy/girl is probably not an OGB. I do not know of any OGB that hides behind his/her Mama's skirt, while taking a swipe at another OGB.

If I remember correctly every bit of communication that transpires here on this site is meant to be open and should give rise eventually to positive outcome or solutions for DGH and everythingelse that is DGH related. Encroachment on the OGB playground or communication platform for airing personal vendetta as far as I understand, will not be entertained.

So goodbye and keep yourself amused with Soho fanfare!!

Bravo Site Administration and thank you for keeping this site respectful!!


Errol Webber



If you are going to comment on this board, kindly use your proper name otherwise don't bother. It is particularly important if you are going to 'have a go' at a specific person or criticize anyone/anything here. Hiding behind a pseudonym sort of reminds me of hiding behind mummy's skirt with one hand and shaking a brave fist with the other. Over to you Sohoboy / girl? This is not "Facebook" or "Myspace". Regards eW smile

George Fielding-Tweedie


"The UK Committee for Dr Graham's Homes (Kalimpong, India) is a charity recognised in Scotland (SC 016341).
The UK Committee takes responsibility for raising funds to the tune of approximately £210,000 per annum for the majority of the supported children.
Apart from the financial support there have been many students who have given valuable voluntary assistance at the Homes during their GAP year. " . . .

I was reading this extract of the Home Page and Pounds Sterling 210,000 (approx 18,000 per month) by even English standards is a fair amount of money. Converted to Indian currency the amount would be staggering and would go a long way. This being ONLY one quarter from where funding is received does make me wonder if there is wise utilization and disbursement of funds at DGH.

Regardless of, well done to all you folks who have made this kind of funding possible out in the UK.


linda cameron


Hi guys,idea
i was reading these postings here and there and just seem to be getting head bashed,just like to put my 2pis bits in and think thats its a good idea to involve mr brooks and i would say mrs baker(MA BAKER) as u all know her.
Bhangay-brooks has moved to calcutta and mrs baker is close to him as well and they can help getting things organised,they are very capable,reliable and are getting older but they are still the wiser.
I know lots of things were out of their hands and the two of them have helped and are still helping those in need or those trying to get to go to school in the homes or in kolkatta i take my hat off to both these two beautiful people.You need to find out whether they would be willing to take all this upon themselves as they are getting older but they are always ready to help the homes out where possible so would love to see how this one goes.

George Fielding-Tweedie


Errol / John:

It would be nice if Tashi ????? would step forward and introduce himself to us. I can only say at this time that he has revealed good insight on the subject and DGH could benifit from one more sound opinion on this subject.

John Rai


Dear Tashi,
Nice go with the post. I had heard same kind of info from some experts who actually run the school business. I hope DGH will have a good management some day....soon.

We all know DGH is sick and needs a doctor, the doctor is not money alone but the person with ability and vision. But i have realized that its very true if anyone wants to fund/donate DGH, the best way would be the donors should be totally involved for the proposed project, there should be transparency and good report.

Keep posting and ya listen to Mr. Errol

Errol Webber


Tashi who?

What is your full name, please?

When you tell us part of your name then its like you are partially hidden from us, sort of "in the bushes on the khuds playing Bang Bang ".

When you give us your full name then it's like you are standing tall unafraid to show yourselfwink.gif (eW)



Money that comes into the homes in fees should be more than enough to keep the homes running as it would any other school. I have no idea if all sponsored chidlren are fully paid up, but I expect that the combination of sponsorship and other donations more than makes up for it.

Giving the homes money for nothing is killing it as it is able to get by effectively making a loss and being topped up. If the committees only sponsored children in line with the other children's fees then hard decisions would need to be made. Either increase income or cut costs. Increasing income would involve higher fees (or more children) or selling assets such as excess land, failing that costs would need to be cut.

The Homes needs to look at itself and see what it really wants to be. People wont give money to a school that has predominantly fee paying children, how about upping the numbers of sponsored kids by having sponsored day scholars? This may also get the estate staff on side and more malliable. I have seen on a website daddy bear sponsorships apart from the link to Daddy Graham I see no branding, it seems a mess.

The homes needs a vision, since the death of Daddy Graham it has limped on substituting where circumstances make it neccesary, but never questioning it's purpose.

One point on child sponsorship, there are children who were sponsored in the last decade whose parents have subsequently sent them to the States for University. Did they really need sponsoring? I believe that every sponsored child's parents should pay something. Even Rs10 a month, it should be reviewed yearly or two yearly and some parents may end up paying 10%, 50% or even 75% by the end of schooling.

A new vision for the Homes - any ideas?

George Fielding-Tweedie


Sabin Pradhan wrote:

Ball on your court now Jyoti....yawn.gif


Having taken the first step to add your comment to a worthwhile topic, we now welcome you to register with the site so that we can all become familiar with you. A face to a name is good!!!


George FT

George Fielding-Tweedie


Dear Fellow OGB's:

I am still of the opinion that this is a worthwhile topic that can be carried forward by much more positive discussion. There will always be difference of opinions but from a virile subject such as this, good things can emerge.

If good things are all we want for DGH then this inter communication is a step in the right direction.

I would like to believe that all those who have the direct responsibiltiy of managing and executing life making decisions for DGH are entering this site and using valuable opinions expressed here to revolutionize a positive change in management style, administrative roles and perceptions to provide the present and future generations of DGH children a better life, - a solid future.

Sabin Pradhan


Ball on your court now Jyoti....yawn.gif

Rob Martin


Hell, I'm glad I'm your mate George. Jyoti, time to call it a day and retire gracefully. You've been creamed big time.

George Fielding-Tweedie


Dear Fellow OGBs

In as few words as possible (which already seems impossible) I shall try to summarize and try to bring some justice to this controversial topic. It has been a bit of an eye opener for me as I am sure it has for some of you out there too.

Recapping some of the salient aspects of this discussion, I know for a fact that the topic was sparked off by a comment I had initially made on seeing the appalling condition of Wiston Cottage on the alumni web site, subsequently other photographs cropped up on other cottages including the hostels which further generated feelings and expressions being voiced on the deplorable decline of property maintenance at DGH.

COTTAGE / HOSTEL MAINTENANCE was established as a worthwhile topic for DISCUSSION on the Alumni Web site. Although the topic may have swayed off course at times but the emphasis and focus was largely maintained.

Valuable opinions, comments and information exchanged between OGB's on their alumni web site were forthcoming and outspoken. Margaret very appropriately lent advice at one stage, cautioning the use of any derogatory or personality implication or assassination. The DISCUSSION continued to move on quite positively.

Suggestions with regard to raising funds did arise however David G very aptly commented:

'It has always been my view that maintenance and its funding should be the exclusive domain of the school authorities. The Homes is becoming more and more a fee-paying institution and, therefore, its school fees should be pitched adequately to fund general maintenance of all buildings on the campus. That is to say it should not depend on specially raised funds to fund its every day obligation to keep the estate in good order'.

So let me state this discussion was never ever at any time, to the best of my knowledge, directed specifically at the Heritage Foundation and therefore there was absolutely no need for Jyoti Shresta to have abruptly intervened on a normal open discussion of OGBs and behave as though a personal attack was being made on him, his Foundation or his personal efforts.

I would, however, have expected him though, as an OGB, to have participated in a positive manner that would have brought some more clarity to the discussion.

OGBs in general did however have concerns as to whether there was an appropriate usage of funds by school authorities towards the regular upkeep of the estate. Some of the snapshots on this website undoubtedly depicted some horrifying physical conditions to which the cottages had sunk.

Many OGBs (me included) were clearly not aware of how the entire management hierarchy operated and were keen to know this. While management are in no way answerable to the alumni on such matters, it would have been generous for some authoritative figure to have come forward to offer some enlightenment on the subject as opposed to one individual's dramatic and pompous entrance with:

'You know some times you just have to sit back and listen to what the other have to say and what they think, quite often we don't listen and instead just go on and on...all who know me, know, when it comes to the Homes, I have quite a bit to say. It was time for me to just sit back. If you notice when I put my comments on this issue, it was when the dust had settled and every one pretty much had had they say.'


'What was being discussed here is nothing new to me and to be honest Im quite fed up with this kind of questions. How is the Homes Managed? How are the Board Members selected? Etc....Do you guys know how old this question is??? As far as I can remember, it has to be well over 10 to 15 years. Aren't you guys fed up....I know I am'

This was certainly a very presumptuous and toxic attitude on the part of Jyoti (an OGB) to barge in on an honest dialogue exchange of OGBs and I can only voice my reaction as follows:

1. Who cares if one individual is fed up!! - the others discussing this topic, are not.
2. So what if there are some of us that want to know how Board members are selected or how the Homes is managed? There are some of us who are not aware of the process and are genuinely interested in getting to know it.
3. Besides, how were the earlier discussions seen to be linked or directed to any individual or the Foundation?

I will not question in any detail some rather abrasive and hostile expressions that were used by Jyoti Shresta however my abbreviated comments are:

'I have many ogbs giving money towards the foundation not because they have money but it's because they have deep feelings for the Homes and that's why they give'

'Many ogbs is only 5% of donors - a bit contradictory.
From this remark I can only conclude that those that don't give or haven't given are not qualified to even an opinion on the alumni page and of course are prohibited from having any emotional attachment or feelings for their school !!!

'and where in the hell did you get the notion'

Wow!! I refuse to believe that this polite phraseology was academically acquired at DGH apparently the now exclusive right of the Foundation.

'If that's what you think I started the foundation for, "Funds into my Kitty'

My perception of the Foundation has been - an organization, governed by a body of dedicated individuals, however there appears to be only one individual who has claim to the name and fame.

'you absolutely don't know me and where Im coming from.'

Absolutely true!! So why not tell us a little more about yourself and where you come from. Providing us some background on your infallible organization would be good . . .please, this time with a little more amiability.

'The Homes was for the "Eurasians (Anglo-Indians) who was born of the happy-go lucky life of tea plantations in those days." Children abandoned by their father and neglected by the government.'

If I did not emerge from the same early educational background and environment I might have interpreted this remark as a racial slur on me as a person, my family background and the community as a whole.

'Like I said, you dont know me at all and where Im coming from.'

The persistent and repetitive ' I Specialist'

'seriously recommend that YOU think before you write any thing'

Like I said I am open to views and positive criticism so I have made every effort to clear some of the misconceptions in this communication.

'What a brainless thing to say?'

The icing on my cake.
Derogatory but nevertheless I shall accommodate the comment and try to make amends. I have already commenced adding 'Ginko Biloba' (brain food supplement) to my diet.

In conclusion I will say that as a civil minded OGB I will continue to respectfully participate in any ongoing, open, stimulating and friendly dialogue exchange that occurs on this web site subject of course to my having a worthwhile opinion or view worth sharing. I would urge all who still carry the same spirit (if any left after this lengthy saga), to continue its quest and search for ideas, solutions and help to restoring our once beautiful cottages, hostels and their surrounding gardens to their former glory.

I am personally overjoyed at the creation of this site as it has given me tremendous opportunity and joy to reconnect with my generation of OGBs and all other generations who have shared, experienced and lived a truly unique way of life, growth, development and education from a common ground like DGH.

My Best Wishes to All

George Fielding-Tweedie

desmond paul


I think all of us have had our say in a democratic way. What was the catalyst to bring about such divisions among us. I put up my hand for part of the blame.

We were going along on one of the main issues which has been brought up so many times by a few of us but not a single mention has been made of any of our comments and issues and what we were on about. All of a sudden someone brings up something in a dogmatic fashion and wanting a scrap for whatever reason. In such a situation anything goes and one can expect anything including name calling. There is no need to sulk about this.

This has been brought up again but more on the lines of clash of personalities and probably will be brought up again which is ok by me, but whats the use.

If one goes through previous comments, you will notice that someone has called himself Adolph. On this issue the comments are kept in reference to this person and that was my intent, nothing more nothing else. Anyone wanting to can call me Adolph.I won't sneak.They say sticks and stones.....

Mr Anonymous may have given the wrong address and could be from any country or could be much older than what I assume,could be a hart cottage friend. Could be a she also. Could be that famous actor Raj Kapoor. Who Knows.

Two good things have come up with his comments. He has commiteed to sign up for the yearly contribution of 300 dollars to Jyoti's fund. Hope he keeps his word and secondly he seems good in researching. I hope he contributes by researching what we are striving for and gives it to the two people he has thanked as a mark of gratitude.

In regards to the term Eurasians. We can debate the issue at length as everyone has mixed feelings about the subject. The Anglo-Indian has contributed so much to the Educational system in India which is evident throughout India in all walks of life. Millions have benifited and have their lives changed because of these Great Educators and Institutions.

All of us from different Race, caste or creed have been welcome into DGH. No matter how much we scrap we are all from one family. Let us all remain friends but continue to scrap over issues for the betterment of DGH.



Errol Webber


Anonymous wrote:

Thank you John/ Errol for all your hard work on the site and group hugs biggrin.gif to all my dear OGBs for their wonderful contributions - especially the pictures of the school which I enjoy viewing . Thank you. (This is beginning to sound like a birthday speech!!)

Having read Jyoti's posts ( I did not know who he was )I did a bit of research on what he's done and "where he's coming from " and from what I've sourced I'd like to believe he is genuinely concerned and passionate about the school. I also understand that he has been involved with the OGB Fund etc for sometime now - anyone who has Rajendra Chowdhuri in the Board of Trustees gets my vote ( loved him for organising all the hiking trips to mongpo et all and also got grade 2 in Art for ICSE !!) Rajendra Chowdhuri aside I sincerely feel we need to acknowledge Jyoti's efforts and not call him names. I'd too so lose my rag if some one called me Adolph!! com' on guys thats just soooo not cool doh.gif

I also see from the link on the left - Donate Here / Foundation News/ AGM that the Annual General Meeting for the OGB Heritage Foundation held last Friday at Dechenling. If you 're lurking around and reading this Jyoti maybe you could upload a summary of the minutes/ post some feed back on what was reviewed at the AGM to further our understanding of the fund- some pics would be great. I for one believe this conversation could greatly benefit and progress from your experience/ zeal. Now where do I sign up ..

Peace and Love biggrin.gif

London N6

* Hart Cottage

NB: John/ Errol we also need a break from Melvin's show ( Melvin Dude you need to upload a new show) Bette Midler come back all is forgiven....

Technically this post should be deleted as the author has not revealed a name. I have left it here for a while as this person has said something sensible and it is a good example of how things should be discussed here using a certain amount of decorum.

So, dear 'Hart Cottage OGB from Hampstead London N6' please dont feel abs skun to reveal your identity. Please come back and add your full name otherwise I am deadmeat for not deleting it. There are a couple of OGBs that are after my hide for deleting their eW



Thank you John/ Errol for all your hard work on the site and group hugs biggrin.gif to all my dear OGBs for their wonderful contributions - especially the pictures of the school which I enjoy viewing . Thank you. (This is beginning to sound like a birthday speech!!)

Having read Jyoti's posts ( I did not know who he was )I did a bit of research on what he's done and "where he's coming from " and from what I've sourced I'd like to believe he is genuinely concerned and passionate about the school. I also understand that he has been involved with the OGB Fund etc for sometime now - anyone who has Rajendra Chowdhuri in the Board of Trustees gets my vote ( loved him for organising all the hiking trips to mongpo et all and also got grade 2 in Art for ICSE !!) Rajendra Chowdhuri aside I sincerely feel we need to acknowledge Jyoti's efforts and not call him names. I'd too so lose my rag if some one called me Adolph!! com' on guys thats just soooo not cool doh.gif

I also see from the link on the left - Donate Here / Foundation News/ AGM that the Annual General Meeting for the OGB Heritage Foundation held last Friday at Dechenling. If you 're lurking around and reading this Jyoti maybe you could upload a summary of the minutes/ post some feed back on what was reviewed at the AGM to further our understanding of the fund- some pics would be great. I for one believe this conversation could greatly benefit and progress from your experience/ zeal. Now where do I sign up ..

Peace and Love biggrin.gif

London N6

* Hart Cottage

NB: John/ Errol we also need a break from Melvin's show ( Melvin Dude you need to upload a new show) Bette Midler come back all is forgiven....

Christine Cramer


desmond paul wrote:

Jyoti. You have been waylaid by George.You are not playing the game right.Your reptilian side of the brain is talking. Better go for Anger Management classes. You work for yourself and not for your team.

One person I admire is John Rai. He has founded and funded this site and has not asked for any money. He appoints eWe to look after the site and calls him Boss. He never gives in to anger.This is what I call humbleness. He will make a good Leader.

All the best in your quest


I agree with you Des....Jyoti does seem to have been waylaid & is just flying off the handle......have gone thru' Georges writing word for word and to me he has expressed & explained it in real simple terms....anyhow, people are entitled to express their views and objectives, no matter how diverse. This is what this forum is all about and anyting written should be taken in a positive note - as we all want what's best for the Homes. Maybe whatever George has said has hit a "RAW NERVE", who knows, hence the anger.....Now as i see it.....'THE LESS SAID THE BETTER".....

desmond paul


Jyoti. You have been waylaid by George.You are not playing the game right.Your reptilian side of the brain is talking. Better go for Anger Management classes. You work for yourself and not for your team.

One person I admire is John Rai. He has founded and funded this site and has not asked for any money. He appoints eWe to look after the site and calls him Boss. He never gives in to anger.This is what I call humbleness. He will make a good Leader.

All the best in your quest


Jyoti Shrestha



"We cannot barter money for feelings and opinions and how dare anybody or any organization attempt to even ostracize or outcast any OGB who may out of choice not want to participate or have the means to participate in its paid memberships".

I have many ogbs giving money towards the foundation not because they have money but it's because they have deep feelings for the Homes and that's why they give. No one's telling any one to barter for any thing, and where in the hell did you get the notion about any one or any organization ostracizing or outcast any OGB? Are you out of your mind?

"Jyoti, I have not the slightest doubt of the magnitude of challenges that you and other associate members have to achieve to make the foundation functionable in achieving its goals but surely your objectives are not solely based on getting people to toss unlimitless sums of money or funds into your kitty".

If that's what you think I started the foundation for, "Funds into my Kitty" than you absolutely don't know me and where Im coming from. The day I don't get the support of OGBs like I do today, I will, with out hesitation, hand over all the remaining money the Foundation has over to the Management and close the OGBs Heritage Foundation for good, and believe me when I say this, I will be completely at peace with myself knowing that I gave it my best.

"From what I believe Dr. Graham's Homes started out with the original concept of providing a home with food, clothing and education to the orphan. For whatever reason this appears to have been waylaid over the years and today as Dr. Grahams School, the orphan has been replaced by and large with the full-paying-fee child. If this be the case, the establishment logically, should now be moving into an era less reliant on donations and funds".

You are wrong when you say that the Homes were for Orphans. The Homes was for the "Eurasians (Anglo-Indians) who was born of the happy-go-lucky life of tea plantations in those days." Children abandoned by their father and neglected by the government". (Extracts from the book Daddy Graham's Homes). You are wrong again when you say "For whatever reason this appears to have been waylaid over the years and today as Dr. Grahams School, the orphan has been replaced by and large with the full-paying-fee child. Here is the fact;
Full fee paying students 318.
Supported children 331.

"So now would be the time to reposition or remarket yourselves less the beggar's hat and bowl".

Last year before the winter holidays started, I went out personally with a friend of mine here in Nepal, searching for track shoes and warm jackets and pants for some 32 sponsored children in the Lucia King. The look on the faces of the children when they got their stuffs was amazing and Im sure their winter couldn't have been that cold.
Do you think I need you to tell me to reposition or remarket myself? If I have to be the "beggar's hat and the bowl so that some kids could have a better short at life, I will gladly do it all over it again. Like I said, you dont know me at all and where Im coming from.

"Jyoti, I would like to recommend that the Foundation perhaps should even rethink and revamp their mandates. It appears that your prime function out there is to continue holding your arms out for donations and reject and possibly eliminate whatever is seen as a threat to you".

I seriously recommend that YOU think before you write any thing. As for your recommendation let me make it simple, THANKS! But NO THANKS!!

"It appears that your prime function out there is to continue holding your arms out for donations and reject and possibly eliminate whatever is seen as a threat to you".

What a brainless thing to say? George! I'm really very disappointed in you. Were you a sponsored child?

Finally guys, this is where I get off. Obviously I got on the wrong bus. Good luck to all. Just one suggestion as I exit; while you get busy pointing fingers at others don't forget your responsibility for all the Homes has done for you. When you have nothing some one out there went out with the "beggars hat and a bowl" so that you could prosper later. One more fact before I go; from all the contribution/Donation that the Homes gets 95% is from overseas committees and just 5% from OGBs. Think about that.

PS: Some day when you change your mind and decide to make a donation, I want you to know you don't have to give it to the Heritage Foundation.

Take care now. Have a great day.

George Fielding-Tweedie


Dear Jyoti:

Thank you for recent comments on what NOW seems to be acquiring ill repute as a 'sticky' subject. I am delighted that as a representative of the OGB Heritage Foundation you have eventually succumbed to the temptation of joining a rather stimulating free flow exchange of OGB's opinions and suggestions on a subject that is visibly near and dear to our hearts. An entry with a positive and open mind is always desirable.

As you probably realize the DGH Alumni web site has provided a fantastic opportunity to all its OGBs to bridge communicate and re-establish the common elements in our past, present & future while living out memories of the best moments of our earlier lives together. OGBs have specifically given their time to comment and even offer solutions and suggestions on this one particular subject but it appears to have been either completely overlooked or frowned upon.

Jyoti, most of our OGB's (which includes you) both old and young come from varied walks of life and through this alumni website have felt privileged to offer their valuable time and opinions. The opinions and solutions that are randomly communicated should not for a moment be mistaken for idle gossip. While some content of positive criticism may exist, this is usually a prelude to brainstorming, two-way discussions and then followed by an offertory of viable and hopefully successful solutions.

I need hardly express just how invaluable this open house discussion is particularly because it emerges from a large cross section of OGBs who live in an international arena and benefit daily from first hand experiences acquired among family, friends, business associates and career environments. In other words a generation who have already wised upto common pitfalls of tunnel vision, dictatorial egocentric foolhardiness and bureaucratic boundaries.

There should be no denying the fact that the cottages and hostels are experiencing deplorable decline. This is visible from the snapshots displayed on this site. OGBs including myself have expressed passionate feelings of sentiment and regret at this and have desperately searched for answers and solutions to help remedy this. Would you not consider this but a natural reaction, particularly for those for whom the institution has been a lifeline?

Nowhere have I come across any charter that dictates that only individuals who have registered or contributed towards an organization such as DGH should have the right to comment so vividly on any subject pertaining to the institution. We cannot barter money for feelings and opinions and how dare anybody or any organization attempt to even ostracize or outcast any OGB who may out of choice not want to participate or have the means to participate in its paid memberships.

Remember we as OGBs are now looking from the outside inside and therefore are able to providing organizations and bodies like yourself valuable insight. Why not take a positive moment to even consider or evaluate these comments. They might just turn out to be a fresh perspective that may have been pondered or thought of before.

Jyoti, I have not the slightest doubt of the magnitude of challenges that you and other associate members have to achieve to make the foundation functionable in achieving its goals but surely your objectives are not solely based on getting people to toss unlimitless sums of money or funds into your kitty.

From what I believe Dr. Graham's Homes started out with the original concept of providing a home with food, clothing and education to the orphan. For whatever reason this appears to have been waylaid over the years and today as Dr. Grahams School, the orphan has been replaced by and large with the full-paying-fee child. If this be the case, the establishment logically, should now be moving into an era less reliant on donations and funds.

Schools worldwide are generally self-supportive and depending on where each one is geographically located. Finances are generated by school fees, textbooks and vending machines or would partly be supported with government subsidies. So now would be the time to reposition or remarket yourselves less the beggar's hat and bowl. However this is purely a management decision. Apart from the open discussions and comments made on this site I know for a fact that we are disassociated and with no intentions whatsoever at being involved with the execution and day to day administration of DGH. Our input is purely contribution in a different form.

The Alumnis prime mandate as a full function artery has been to connect OGBs worldwide. However it does also provide democratic and exciting opportunity for honest expression and opinion among OGBs. It may however be worthwhile for the Foundation and other managing bodies to consider building closer liaison and working ties with the alumni. I am certain that the combined effort of talent and expertise would surely, not only raise a greater level of unity and awareness among its OGBs but perhaps may even generate results and benefits to DGH of an unimaginable dimension.

Jyoti, I would like to recommend that the Foundation perhaps should even rethink and revamp their mandates. It appears that your prime function out there is to continue holding your arms out for donations and reject and possibly eliminate whatever is seen as a threat to you. I get this impression from your recent communication which says

" If you notice when I put my comments on this issue, it was when the dust had settled and every one pretty much had had they say." -

Well I am afraid not!! There is no dust but an open discussion which will be ongoing for as long as it holds interest. It would however have been a splendid idea if you had less dramatically jumped right into this discussion earlier to update and enlighten members on issues that they may not have been totally familiar with. To perceive the Alumni as perhaps, a threat to your existence or a spoke in your wheels is inappropriate and incorrect.

Now seems like an apt time to move away from the 'wait and watch what they say approach' and focus in trying to absorb and utilize the more than often valuable feedback that comes your way without an invoice attached to it. In other words please understand we are not the proverbial enemy but in fact an integral part of every good plan or action that has been designed for the betterment, success and happiness of DGHs future generations.

I have no doubt of your allegiance towards DGH when it comes to keeping the Foundation strong but all the other OGBs around the world are no less.

The publication that you did on Daddy Graham for example was a creative project and is commendable. All of us would love to hear a little more about other future projects in the pipeline. Consider writing a monthly column on the alumni web page to provide stimuli and informative updates. Raise a Question for the Month and get the OGBs working together for answers. It could be the beginning of a new friendly era and partnership. Adding Togetherness or Unity to the school motto Thorough would be an exciting change.

Leave wars to politicians to be waged.

Best regards

George Fielding-Tweedie

The length of this text is regretted but bringing some clarity to the topic seemed more important

desmond paul


I have seen the Vedic village website. Its amazing what ideas can go into making such a wonderful resort. Some of the ideas if applied to the maintenance of the cottages and buildings would produce positive results.

Jyoti Sreshtra's passion and tireless work with other OGB's from Kathmandu is truly amazing however, just contributions will not help

Everyone has her or his own ideas about issues and responsibilities and how it should be dealt with. People will stick by their beliefs and there have been a few who have generously given brave opinions on this site.

There was a good comment on the Birkmyre Hostel also. This is Hostel is for OGB's and should remain so

It is not my business to interfere how the maintenance is done by the Homes authority but I feel that the Management is tired and should consider passing the whole Homes fund for the maintenance and constant care and Supervision to Jyoti and his group in a transparent manner .He and his group will definitely deliver the goods and transform the Cottages and buildings to their former grandeur.

At the same time there should be a site where OGB's can winge and moan as to how the work is being done. This will be the Opposition, whose job will be to tirelessly condemn the thickskinned guys who are in charge of the whole operation.This will be democracy at work.

The CEO of the Vedic Village who I suppose is the Chairman and Director of the Homes body probably must be fed up also. He alone cannot turn things around. It is the Managers who are the guys on the ground who can turn things around.

Vernon.This time it is your turnto drive at 3 am as we approach the Melbourne cops booze van after we have out done each other peg for peg. I will stay in the back seat. I bet you will be ABS PIED biggrin.gif

vernon williams


Errol Webber wrote:

It is certainly interesting to note that this topic reflects the diverse opinions of two stalwarts of the Homes. Both these guys are as genuine as you can get, have the welfare of the Homes at heart and are from different eras. I believe both to have contributed financially to the Homes one way or another. However I have to say I dont take Jyotis view of the situation and will respond later. In the meantime I am sure Jyoti has a lot of supporters so please dont just read the contributions and 'enjoy the joust' (just look at the number of "Views" on this topic compared to the others) but consider joining in !!!

I agree with what Errol has said about both Desmond and Jyoti as both have their heart in the right place. I grew up with Desmond and became good Buddies and still remain good friends till today and at the 2005 Birthday Reunion I got to meet Jyoti [An ex School Captain] as we both resided at Holiday home and I was impressed with his passion and the tireless work he and other OGBS from Kathmandu [Sam Tshering comes to mind] do for the Homes....your hard work does not go unoticed and it was a pleasure meeting you guys.

Jyoti Shrestha


John, I will have the Naan and Chicken ready, but you will get it only after you make your annual contribution towards the Homes, Im dead serious John.

You know some times you just have to sit back and listen to what the other have to say and what they think, quite often we don't listen and instead just go on and on...all who know me, know, when it comes to the Homes, I have quite a bit to say. It was time for me to just sit back. If you notice when I put my comments on this issue, it was when the dust had settled and every one pretty much had had they say.

John Ill see you soon. Have a safe journey.


John Rai


Jyoti dai,
I hope ure doing fine. Good to see ure comments coming here finally. Only thing is that u should have let the house realize some points earlier so we could not be going off the track. (probably this is what Mr. Paul was saying)
Anyways bit about me... (coz i havent been active here with many stuff for awhile,sorry Errol boss) Since i got into business my life has changed... its making me do all sorts of things for nothing (atleast for now)... i hope it gets over soon, working very hard and managed to displace my backbone disc . biggrin.gif But the good thing about doing ure own biz is u can sleep as much as u want and at anytime wink.gif

Okay........Honestly speaking, i visited u last time in nepal coz i was impressed by u and ure teams work with the Heritage fund. Also wanted to learn more on ure fund raising. I was again impressed by the operation and management of fund and how OGBs (mostly from ure era) were sincerely contributing towards the cause. Probably i have discussed this stuff somewhre here and sure i have been recommending Errol that incase funds has to be collected from OGBs it sure must be from your side. As i said earlier in Kathmandu, DGH Alumni will play a role of promoting this cause but definitely its not happening so far as u can see ... (my excuse in the first paragraph yawn.gif)

There are many OGBs who would like to contribute, I hope they are reading this message and immediately log into to start the ACTION!

For this cause this organisation is placed as "Grahamites of the Year" in this site.

PS: I will see u next week thats if u order those naan roti and chiken idea.gif.. am hungry now gtg for grub...daal bhaat...hmm.gif

Jyoti Shrestha


Errol wrote to me some time ago and wanted, to know certain aspects of the Homes, I could not answer the questions, and he wanted me to answer because I was working on some thing. (Regarding Homes) It was during this time I had written to Errol that we should raise funds for the Homes and had given him how we should go about it and how it actually works. That's when "HELPING THE HOMES-MAINTENANCE FUND" discussion started. So I have been on the case from day one.

John mentioned about starting a trust fund where every thing would be transparent. During one of his trips to Kathmandu some years ago he came to my home and I was very happy to have him. I showed him how OGBs Heritage Foundation had already set up a system where OGBs who contribute money towards the Heritage Foundation would have access to all the financial details, like the Donation list, Expenditure list and Account Statement. Besides the Projects, before and after shots of all projects, the project manager, the project budgets are all there for OGBs to see and many more.

What was being discussed here is nothing new to me and to be honest Im quite fed up with this kind of questions. How is the Homes Managed? How are the Board Members selected? Etc....Do you guys know how old this question is??? As far as I can remember, it has to be well over 10 to 15 years. Aren't you guys fed up....I know I am. Besides has it gotten us any where so far? We are still asking the same old question. So let's do it differently and I promise you we will have positive results, as a matter of fact, we are seeing positive results coming through. What we need now is more of us, OGBs, to come together and for once, work like a unit. And when I say work I don't mean complain, I mean make it happen. Lets start by not labeling the ones who are working hard to make it happen with the worst kind of people that walked the face of the Earth (Adolph). Can we do that for starters? Or is that too much to ask?

I remember when Rev. Webster visited Kathmandu. I went to the Hotel where he was staying, got hold of some OGBs and we all took him out for Lunch, showed him how we were getting a book on the Homes published, he was absolutely thrilled to see our initial work. Again like always, Money was the stumbling block; I remember how I approached OGBs from Kathmandu to give us money so that we could have the book ready for the Centenary Celebration. Non of them asked me where the money was going, or how was the Homes being managed and why we shouldn't do this, but they saw the positive aspect of the work and dug deep into their pockets and I mean DEEP into their pockets. The result!! "DADDY GRAHAM'S HOMES". The first of it's kind. "Never in the History of the Homes has there been a book like this one". That's what Mr. Brooks said. This time during the International Conference the Board absolutely appreciated the efforts and acknowledged that this book indeed was wonderful. I was told some time ago that when ever there are any function and they need the details on the Homes, they refer to this particular book. That's what I mean when I say getting on with it and getting it done.

From the sale of the book we started the 'Old Girls and Boys Heritage Foundation, that what I mean getting on with it. The Foundation has money over rs. 400,000 and increasing, that what I mean by getting on with it. The Elliott cottage wash house renovation, that's what I mean getting on with it. Shoes and clothes some 32 sponsored kids in the Lucia King last winter, that's what I mean getting on with it. We wanted to set up a library for the Lucia King but there were other pressing need like the Wales Lodge, That will be our focus now, but I need, the OGBs Heritage Foundation needs the OGBs help.

I know there are 101 good reasons for you guys not to give or be a part of the effort. But I also know there is one small voice in there some where, which says I want to give. Listen to that small voice for once, take a chance. It might turn out to be the best feeling for the whole day.

desmond paul


Hi Jyoti

Good to engage with you. I expected your reaction which is good. Your PR needs a bit of polishing up though.

I remember playing cricket with Rev Webster in school. It was my turn to bat and it was his turn to bowl. He had long arms and when he swung the ball it would come at you literally at 1000 miles per hour. I would look around to see if any one would bat for me, no one wanted to naturally. The next option was to see which side to run, to the left or right before the ball came. Not an easy decision. Those days were good. Do you play cricket ?

Keep up the good work

Hugs Pauli

PS: Could you go thru our comments with a fine tooth comb

Errol Webber


It is certainly interesting to note that this topic reflects the diverse opinions of two stalwarts of the Homes. Both these guys are as genuine as you can get, have the welfare of the Homes at heart and are from different eras. I believe both to have contributed financially to the Homes one way or another. However I have to say I dont take Jyotis view of the situation and will respond later. In the meantime I am sure Jyoti has a lot of supporters so please dont just read the contributions and 'enjoy the joust' (just look at the number of "Views" on this topic compared to the others) but consider joining in !!!



Never get your eye of the ball. Observe and understand the game. The question still remains the same;
What is your PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION to the Homes? Don't disguise some others contribution and generosity to cover your lack of interest. Like i said, if there is any one who wants to get on with it, you know where to find me. Have no time or the desire to finger point..............and oh!! Paul i forgive you for that first line. You have a great day.

desmond paul



You are sounding more like Adolph now.
Where have you been all this time when we were searching for answers?
Please go thru all our comments and understand the issues involved.
Out of the 400 kids how many are fully funded by Sponsors?
Money raised by Rev Webster who is a truly amazing man, should not go to waste.
You are a person of integrity and your group is doing a superb job but don't fall
in love with the Committee just yet as Margaret did.
I hope you were not pampered too greatly at the DGH International Conference.

Jyoti Shrestha


I have been reading this part of the discussion for day one and I have to say Im most disappointed with some of you who think the Homes do not need help especially financial help. Besides some of the points raised are not true; ;>

1) Like the Homes being re-located, that's not happening,

2) The Old Girls and Boys Heritage Foundation is recognized by the Board of Management. The Heritage Foundations details are posted on its website; 

3) Some of you are of the view that the Homes gets large sums of money, that me be true, what is also true is that, its not quite enough to sponsor over 400 children in the Homes. But I think the larger question should be;

How much of that supposedly large amount of money is, YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION?

4) Do you know that the maximum amount of money the Homes gets is from Non OGBs?  Shouldn't we as OGBs be the ones to lead in that department? Instead we are making a case as to why we shouldn't contribute. Give me a break!!!

5) Some of you are interested in the Heritage aspect of the Homes, go there once in a while and feel great, have a bit of fun. If you didn't already know let me tell you, it needs money to maintain that heritage.  

6) You know how old Rev. John Webster is? Hitting 80 very soon and the kind of money he raises for the Homes is just out of the world and to top it all he's not even an OGB. So to say let the old OGBs not contribute towards the Homes is just nonsense. I'm not saying to sell you house! what I'm saying is to give some thing back to the Homes, don't forget when you had nothing the Homes took care of you like its own, with out conditions, now that you are in a position to do some thing you are actually turning your back.

We need to stop pointing finger at every one else and take a good look at what we as OGBs have done to better the condition of the Homes. Recently I have noticed some OGBs comments saying that there should be a Fund Raising organization, Trust Fund. Well to all those of you who don't already know let me say this "there is one such organization formed; its called the OLD GIRLS AND BOYS HERITAGE FOUNDATION". Two Trustees (Jyoti Shrestha and Sam Tshering) of the Heritage Foundation was invited to attend the DGH International Conference in Calcutta, April 11th and 12th. Since the IC the Board of Management and the OGBs Heritage Foundation has a good working relationship and are in constant contact, discussing how to better the Homes and how we as OGBs could be a positive influence.

To those of you who want to stop the finger pointing and want to get on with it, write to me at this email address; Im not going to beat around the bush, never have been good at that, so here is what we are going to do, We will make financial contribution for the Homes through the Old Girls and Boys Heritage Foundation. Once I receive your contribution you will have to confirm your registration with the Foundation website;, I will than change your membership status which means you will be given access to all the Heritage Foundation accounts, you will be invited to attend,  receive and be a part of all the meetings the Foundation has. You will be part of the decision making process.

Now there is just one question, Should you trust me?........I will let you decide that.

Sonam Yarphel


Hey folks , though not a regular contributer....i do keep a close tab on my old school. After reading all the comments and concerns, i think it is a legitimate idea to first create a liason between the ogb's and the mgt. However, "up in the air" this may sound, but i think we need to set up a fund where ogb's can contribute and a trusted group manages this account...I think we can all send suggestions and requests, but at the end if we have some kind of trust fund for the homes...we will have a lot more pull in anything we say.."just my opinion" all up for the continuation of great education and experiences for our fellow students at the homes...
oh what is this i hear...students are allowed to have "CELL PHONES" please tell me its not true...signing off...sonam yarphel...ogb 97

John Rai


Thanks Mr. GFT for your attempt to re-kindle this topic again.
I made this dynamic topic sticky so that other new OGBs too could join for the good cause of the Homes.

I hope those who read this will share their views and opinions to make our challenge go to the next level. I ask OGBs to be hopeful and passionate towards our good ole school.


Finally, My personal observation and inquiries...
1- Why Don't DGH have her own OGB as Principal or Headmaster?
(Someone has said down the topic its because the Head of board in Calcutta don't accept OGB. The applications are rejected immediately. Is this taboo True?)

2- I googled and found out that our Boards Chairman and President is a Director and CEO of the lavish corporation vedic village (spa, resorts and real estate in Kolkota and expanding to Delhi).
My point is DGH do not need business man to run her, DGH is a huge institution with great potential to become one of the unique school,she needs a constant care and supervision to manage. Therefore running this task should be for an academic with similar field, who has an ability and VISION!!! DGH lacks this TOTALLY ! therefore its visible to note the deteorating standards and mis managements.

Want to share these links to support my above statement:

Disclaimer: This is my personal view, readers discretion required

George Fielding-Tweedie


"Sticky" does appear to have had an adverse effect to a topic which could have reaped some positive results for the future and betterment of DGH.

However if all of you generally feel that this subject should not be pursued any further for fear of some kind of reprisal or that it may eventually come to nothing, I am very reluctantly prepared to go along with the flow of thought.

I personally did share the same sentiment and feelings that all of you expressed on this subject hoping that we would all be around to see exciting and positive changes take place in a home and school that we cherished and loved.

If there is even the slightest chance that we can contribute to a change for the better, then let's continue to move forward.

George Fielding-Tweedie


Des, Angela and Joanna:

Over the past few weeks I have had the absolute pleasure of reading your honest and outspoken thoughts on what seems a distinct deterioating condition of some of the once beautiful cottages and hostels at DGH.

Some of these conditions are clearly visible through some of the photographs that have been displayed on this web site and of course there have been some of you who have actually had the opportunity to have made recent visits to Kalimpong and the DGH campus and have expressed complete disbelief at the dispicable conditions that you have had to witness first hand.

I am actually quite proud at the the strong voice of sentiment and emotional expressed on this website and realise that it lies with especially good lot of us, particularly those who were raised from infancy to adulthood and for whom the institution was not merely an academic ground but their very home and lifeline.

Personally I would have loved to see a lot more of us express what we feel and know as fact in support of what has been voiced so far by a handful of diehards. Because a strong voice will communicate and bridge more effectively the 'OGB Voice & Opinion' with the concerned authorities managing the interests of DGH.

Once again I would like to thank Margaretta Byers for drawing our attention to 'safe voicing' of opinions and would appreciate her continuing effort on apprising us of the management hierachy so that we may be able to pass on a worthwhile recommendation or comment for active consideration by DGH Management.

In the meantime I would urge all others of our OGB community to come forward and tell us what you know, think or may have seen in support of the prevailing conditions of the cottages, hostels and school buildings. You may have an entirely different perspective of what has been felt so far. Current photographs are good for substantiating an opinion or view.

It is important for all to understand the significance of our opinions and while they may sound protestful, they are in fact invaluable support and back up for the existing Management Group / Committees. They originate from an extremely diverse force of OGB's who have had several years of accumalated experiences acquired within an international arena. Why not tap into this huge resource and utilise it for the betterment of all future generations of OGB's.

Once again as a member like all of you I would personally like to thank all those who voiced an honest truly felt opinion.

PS: A recent photograph of Calcutta Cottage would have the (Late) Mr & Mrs Martin (former House Parents) cringe and probably weep to see the present condition of their once beautiful cottage and garden. On a positive note the most recent shot of Assam Cottage shows that some maintenance has occured. Looked like a new roof to me. Well done for those who made it happen!!

Angela Sangmu


Hi Des,
I do not think Mrs. Glashan has retired. I just spoke with her last week and she did not say anything even close to retiring. I think she is one of those dedicated people that will hang on till the end. I've known her since I was in school and have kept up with her and been part of her kids lives. I learned generosity from her. She used to loan me her best clothes to go to the dance and always took the Elliott girls out for picnics, movies and town. Wish we had more like her and like Mrs. Theo Baker. Birkmyre hostel is a mess. Our own OGB from the Australian committee was down last Jan. (2007) and witnessed things for herself there. It's not to say there is no money coming in for the Hostel. The hostel rents its grounds for weddings and the rent is high and there seems to be a wedding every weekend during the non-monsoon months. I hear all these things first hand and even went one day to the hostel and was really disgusted. The people in charge there are raking in the cash but where does it go? Only they know. So how do these kind of people get the job to run the hostel in the first place? When I think of the greediness of some of these people I feel really sorry for them because in the end they too will suffer but it's a shame because they will never realise that. Our own homeless boys have no place to stay when they finish school and the hostel holds adults that come from outside and can pay their way to stay. It's so sad.

desmond paul


George, It gave me great pleasure talking fun stuff for almost 2 hours.You are really

I think we are too small a group to make any headway. Only a handful of OGB's comment on this site. There are a whole host of reasons which are understandable and I respect their decision.

Another way is to collect a letter of protest jointly signed by concerned OGB's from branches all over the world. Probably through a dinner hosted by an OGB in each represented city or town. These letters can than be submitted to the Committee in Calcutta. So many members signing can be a powerful tool to make the Board think and say Hey I think we could be wrong somewhere. If it does not work we have a huge problem. It could be a more serious issue.

Any institution once it becomes too big will have inherent problems with its board structure. It is human. It is the Wellbeing of the board which will make the School rise to its motto "Thorough" or it can make it spiral downward and than the protests such as ours will develop as OGB's get worried.They are no fools.

Margaret may have commented in such a fashion which I feel is well intentioned. I hope the same intent is spread towards the goodwill and wellbeing of the Homes. I also hope in her capacity that she does something really worthy to turn around our grieviences and see happy and beaming OGB's. she would definitely love this.

We are the product of the Homes. The Homes has done so much for us. The good education, excursions and holidays. I think some may remember Bongagoan. Swimming in the muddy tank with so many snakes in the tank and sleeping under the mosquito nets. This is what the Homes gave us. We feel we are entitled to protest for a genuine cause and I feel you can help towards it.

Anyone.I understand that Ruth Glashan has retired. Is it true?

George Fielding-Tweedie


I am glad that Margaretta raised the issue of legaliities and quite rightly so. We should all continue to contribute our opinions and ideas within a sensible and constructive environment however I certainly hope that this word of advice and caution from Margaretta has not discouraged you from presenting your ideas and thoughts for a better DGH.

I repeat that at some stage we would need to consolidate all these valuable suggestions and have them presented to DGH Management as our contribution for starters. I have said earlier that someone from among us needs to be the liaison between members and management and we need to set this up post haste. So please come forward and take charge. Alternatively Errol you can set up a poll or vote for who would be a likey candidate. I did outline some criteria in one of my earlier notes.

I have no doubt that the DGH managing committee would welcome and value the OGB input and perhaps even choose to address us with updates from their side as well.
This would definitely be a good start in the right direction. I wonder if they even know just how contructive and positive our intentions are or even our existence for that matter.

So let me say it again, the immediate task at hand is not getting the invaluable input from already enthusiastic OGB members and which we have had so far in abundance. This is in any case is an ongoing process.

We have to -

1. Set up a responsible OGB rep body from our side to communicate with Management (As we also also need to establish whether management would be willing to recognizeand receive our positive contributions).

2. Obtain clarity on who manages the DGH (Perhaps Margaretta could give us some insight and updates on how the hierachy functions as a continuation of David G's perspective and facts). Names and titles would be a good start.

Let me say, it would be a awful shame to see all this effort so far achieved, go to waste

We can talk and suggest and plan and propose till we are blue in the face but all this subject matter becomes garbage unless we can put it to good use - and the only way that this can become a valuable contribution to the betterment of DGH is to transport it to people that have the authority to receive, evaluate, reject or use as OGB contributions.

This has been a worthwhile topic as I am sure all will agree, so lets do the "Thorough" bit and carry it forward to the next level NOW!!!

What say all of you!?!???

Kind regards


John Rai


joanna wrote:

Hi Everyone!!!!
Just spoke to Mr Brooks to ask him some feed back on the running of the School-he is very well aware of the state of affairs & said he was totally helpless as the board of the school would not allow any interference-He was all for the OGBS handling the affairs of the School-
Here are a few pointers
1.We could file a RTI(Right to information act) whereby they would have to show us the records in 1month-its a new act here in India where people are held accountable when they are questioned
2.How do we go about handling Mr Robertson(fr CCU)??????????
3.Margherita fr London could give us alot of feedback as i think she is a committee member
4.George-Bertie Temple was/is the Principal of Barnes School in Nashik-Fred Menzies & Mr Brooks were his special guests at the Annual Day in 2006-its a very good school-A lot of my neices/nephews fr Mizoram studied there
5.KEVIN-Mr Brooks thinks U would make a very GOOD PRINCIPAL for the school
Guess this all for the moment
WE SHOULD NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!smile.gif

For your information:

Earlier, Ms. Joanna suggested to me to delete this topic if it could only escalate controversy and misunderstanding. But before I could even get a chance to do so, she voided her request. She acknowledged that ONLY point #5 was not her's but rest was. Some ppl. misunderstood the whole message and assumed it was based on somebody's idea.
(Ms. Joanna has cleared this up in her previous message claiming its not true.)
Her message exhibit ppl. related to DGH management. You can also find these names listed in this site under the menu named & quot;DGH contact".
With all due respect, sorry Madam Margarita, we can only delete abusive, offensive, foul and hateful messages or by the request of the author.
Thank you.

*For any feedback or complaint about this board pls. advise us at:

desmond paul


Hi George. Although it doesn,t worry me, Immature chaps like me need to be told to stay on course. Actually I like being immature.

Joanna has some interesting points. Using names is between her and MR Brooks and they know it and it is on a good relationship level. Nothing should deter ones freedom of expression.

Ruth Glashans name has been mentioned somewhere. She is a fantastic lady and she has innocently suggested about the iron bars for the Safety of the Children. I have dealt with Ruth and she has an enormous compassion for the kids. I find the Aunties and Social helpers looking after the really tiny tykes really dedicated to their work.

There are too many issues other than the Maintenance fund which is already there, as mentioned by David.These guys are really dedicated and are on the ground. They are really fantasic chaps however, I am not interested in it because money spent on these projects from hard earned donations is money saved for some others. Where is that money going. The buildings have been neglected for so long that it will need a massive infusion of donations which we won,t be capable of raising. Even if we remotely do, what happens to the money saved.

I think with a fresh set of OGB's taking over the top positions, massive amount of money can be freed up for so so many neglected projects and you can be sure that huge amounts of donations will again start pouring in, because contributors will rest easy knowing fully well that the money will go towards a good cause.

I think the answers may be found in the UK.

PS I am sitting at my desk looking at my phone ready to grab it. No ones phoning me today. Tomorrow is big BBQ day.

Errol Webber


desmond paul wrote:

George don't feel skun about this sorry thing. Its all Bertie Temples fault I think. We would religiously have our scrap annually like clockwork. Of course I would win and than about 3 hours later we would say sorry and be the best buddies. I cannot scrap with you because you are bigger than me.

I keep in contact with Bertie. He is in Patna at the moment. He sent me a snap of his family a few months back.

Sorry again George for sidetracking.

Folks, please (kindly) keep your comments focused solely on the topic that is being discussed. Thankyou to all contributors who have, so far, done so; including you Des.
smile.gif eW

George Fielding-Tweedie


Hullo John:

There must be some other way that you can use to prevent the topic from doing the disappearing act on us other than the usage of the word 'sticky'. Sticky somehow implies that everyone participating in this discussion should refrain or hold back on what they should otherwise feel free to express, and may be a deterrent.

I have said that maintaining decorum on the subject is expected from a group of seasoned, experienced mature people and should not be used as a tool to vent personal vendettas.

DGH is a topic closest and dearest to our hearts and if there are glitches or problems we must be part of the solution/s.

Thank you John for all your valuable input.

John Rai


Dear folks,
I have just made this title "sticky' so that this message don't get lost down under other messages. This topic so far has been one of the interesting and crucial one. Lets get back to the track and continue the brainstorming.

desmond paul


George don't feel skun about this sorry thing. Its all Bertie Temples fault I think. We would religiously have our scrap annually like clockwork. Of course I would win and than about 3 hours later we would say sorry and be the best buddies. I cannot scrap with you because you are bigger than me.

I keep in contact with Bertie. He is in Patna at the moment. He sent me a snap of his family a few months back.

Sorry again George for sidetracking.

George Fielding-Tweedie


Please do not be sorry to me, I am one of all of you and I do understand that you have the freedom to express your point of view in whatever form you like. I agree it would not be appropriate to demonize or character assassinate anyone on this important exchange of ideas. This open forum is all about what we can contribute to (not necessarily funds) to the betterment and improvement of DGH. I am sure that authorities even in high places would appreciate and recognise the positive ideas and overall impact that we too as OGBs would like to contribute to an even better school and home for present & future generations.

desmond paul


Joanna drew the flak.We need more Joanna's. At least something positive came out of it. That is a reaction and an engagement by someone directly involved I think with the running of the School.

Having said that, I remember Margaret although she may be 5 years or so senior to me but she was definately May Queen material and had fantastic eyes.

Joanna Taylor


Margaretta in case you are wondering as to how your name cropped up-there was an article by an OGB(Not mentioning the namesmile.gif)
Another person who stood out prominently was Margaretta Purtill ne- Byers. Her interest in the welfare of the Homes was clearly evident. We need people like her to keep the Homes on the right course as Dr. Graham would have liked.

I hope it will put to rest as to how your name was mentioned
We need people like YOU to help/guide us

John Rai


Margaretta Byers wrote:

Dear All,
Caution should be given for all those who use this
message board in putting your views across. Naming names is a very
dangerous thing to do. One may get views from others willing to put their
points across (when asked) BUT to then put their names in black and white
saying they said this that and the other is foolish and extremely dangerous
- more so if you are quoting a high profile person (as was in this case). I
do hope Joanna was given permission by the person whose name she has
so blatantly mentioned and whose views she took on board!

Margaretta Purtill (Nee Byers)
(President Kalimpong Association UK)

150 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5AE

Tel: 0207 410 0330
Fax: 0207 410 0332

This is an e mail message sent to posted here upon request by Mrs. Margaretta

Maam, thank you for your advise and concern. We love to grace your presence here among your classmates and other younger OGBs. Personally speaking, what do you feel about our discussions here other than naming people? Please comment.

Errol Webber


joanna wrote:

Margaretta- the points mentioned are my OWN & NOT MR BROOKS-I did mention at Mr Brooks helplessness-I phone him regularly just to find out about his health & right from the start he has NEVER EVER pointed fingers at any one-Like i said he is aware of the situation but is helpless & hasn't been involved in the school affairs for eons-We as OGBS are just concerned at the state of affairs in the school & we would appreciate any help in solving the problem-
Best Wishes

Hi Joanna
It would be helpful if you would please use your full name when posting messages, ie Joanna Taylor so it shows up on the left for all to see. :)



Margaretta- the points mentioned are my OWN & NOT MR BROOKS-I did mention at Mr Brooks helplessness-I phone him regularly just to find out about his health & right from the start he has NEVER EVER pointed fingers at any one-Like i said he is aware of the situation but is helpless & hasn't been involved in the school affairs for eons-We as OGBS are just concerned at the state of affairs in the school & we would appreciate any help in solving the problem-
Best Wishes

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