George Fielding-Tweedie



Thanks for the update. I will do my very best to refrain from bringing up this rather over discussed topic again.

Regardless of whatever you might think or conclude, it is my personal opinion that facebook and the likes of it cannot be confused as being an integral or even a miniscule part of what was the DGH website.

I hold absolutely no grief whatsoever with facebook and the ongoing communication among OGB's through this website medium. I am glad that the OGB's have found a substitute / channel for free exchange of communication.

My disatisfaction however, in case you have still not been able understand so far, lies with the frivilous, unethical and unprofessional manner in which this exclusive alumni site was brought to it's knees.

I cannot speak for Lakpa but I am uncertain as to where and how you concluded that I have an existing fear for cyberspace. I will admit that facebooking and twittering do nothing for my taste buds besides I am more significantly motivated to maximizing my 24 hour day with a broad spectrum of priorities, far more deserving of my time.

Rattling off a host of other functions and programs which have more profound meaning, utility and value to me would certainly have you scratching your head for years to come and would have me seriously doubting the extent of your cyber awareness.

My apologies for drifting of the topic - "The DGH Alumni Almost Defunct Site". 

I am happy though to see that at least one member of the Site Administration has accepted the demise and is generally content with whatever features remain.

I am hopeful that I too, will in due course acquire this positive mindset.

Kind regards as always,


Errol Webber



As I have explained to you more than once, this DGH site now consists of (1) the Front Page with its various links, (2) this Message Board (available to OGBs) and (3) the list of names/profiles in the Database which you can also view. The photos are not going to come back (thanks to John Rai :) but this is now replaced by the thousands of photos which you could view on Facebook, so no need to duplicate, right?

As for Lakpa like you he has a fear of cyberspace and so has, in essence, done a John Rai and  removed himself from further contact having now disappeared into space itself never to be found!

You will also note that Lost in Space Lakpas last entry was on 23 March 2011 so it surprises me that you are only now responding? Where have you been besides everywhere?

George Fielding-Tweedie


Thank you Lakpa for your valuable input.

Frustration at the stance of silence adopted by the "ownership" of this site has grown within me. Time and again I have tried to distance myself from this issue  in an attempt to gain some reconciliation of the fact that this site has met it's untimely and sad end. 

Then for some idiotic reason I keep returning with, call it - some renewed effort and a glimmer of hope that remotely something can still be done to revive this site of ours.

I am informed that John Rai holds the key to this whole issue however it appears that he has chosen to disappear into silent oblivion for which I have no knowledge of any justfiable reason or answer.

Perhaps it is time to call upon all the 'geeks' from our OGB nation to come up with a new game plan to either get this site up and running on full steam or look into the possibilities of creating a new one from ground zero. This could be a lot of fun.

I would hate to think that I am flogging the proverbial dead horse.

So let's do it fellow OGB's!!!

Sincerely & Positively


Lakpa (Daling)


Dear Web Admin,

I agree with what George says about the funding.  Why should the burden of maintaining our(OGBs) website fall on one shoulder?There are Grahamites out there who can easily sponsor the site if only they can give up a pack of cigarette or a bottle of beer once a month.   A pack of cigarette in New York is $11.00.  Immagine what 400 members can cough up. Even half that number can do it.  The snag is how do you get in touch with all the members, and how to send you the funds from abroad?  Those photos you hold are priceless. It is our collective memories of all the Grahamites.  Please take very good care of them.


George Fielding-Tweedie


Dear Site Admin,

As futile as this attempt may be, I shall make yet another daring thrust to question the virtual death of our website.

I realise that the dynamics and versatility of facebook easily substitutes and continues the communicative  links and association of DGH ers among one another however for me this website in spite of its shortcomings and limitations meant much more to me as an OGB. It was exclusive - it was "ours".

Unfortunately the pioneership and ownership of this website was vested with one individual at whose mercy we have now all been held ransom to.

Even more unfortunate is the fact that this particular Site Admin individual has chosen to withdraw into the recesses of complete silence and mystery, making no attempt whatsoever (to the best of my knowledge) to respond to the several attempts that have been made to communicate and retrieve some kind of solution or answer for the possible recovery /rebirth of this website.

I can well understand the brutal silence of hoplessness that now prevails among the rest of us.

I would sincerely like to appeal once again to the Site Admin team and any remaining sentiment that they may have within themselves, to come forward and present us a scenario for either a complete closure of this website or a stimulii and game plan for its more preferred resuscitation.

A Vey Happy New Year to all of you and yours


George Fielding-Tweedie


Attn:  John Rai & Errol Webber of Site Admin

Some of us over the last couple of months have shown honest concern and a lot of disappointment for what seems like a sudden disintegration of the web site. In my opinion this has been forthcoming for quite some time. 'When' is what I did not know.

Among all the sections of this site the Photo Album somewhat ignited the passions and feelings that each OGB has expressed in words and pictures, only for it to vanish proverbially without a trace.

For some unknown, unexplainable reason this section 'disappeared' on all of us without a word of warning. I guessed at the time - finances, however the Site Admin who have now noticeably remained extinct and uncontactable have failed to come up with some responsible answers, to offer at  the very least some form of explanation or reason/s for the sudden demise of the Photo Gallery. Complete silence has been chosen as good tactical approach as an alternative to verbal confrontation. Avoidance is what it narrows down to.

Personally I can can only interpret this silence and lack of communication as incorrect and unethical procedure particularly on a domain that was (or so it seemed) completely dedicated to generations of OGB's

If at any point of time current witholders of this site felt inadequate or short of the stickability factor, or even the dedication to maintain this site on an ongoing basis,  they should have courageously announced and relinquished the responsibility  to other possible and interested bidders existing among us.

Admittedly  my contributions to this site have been minimal, however I have thoroughly enjoyed the extensive moments of happiness and social interaction as I am sure with a lot of my fellow OGB's. 

I am now truly disappointed at the current state of matters and would urge the Site Admin Team to break their wall of silence and present facts to the OGB's of this alumni website so that we all collectively understand your problems (if any).

I gather it took years for us to acquire the robust membership and the active expression that has been steadily built among us till today . 

Is the Site Admin now pursuing 'an end in sight' ??

I cannot help but see strong similarities between the way this site is administered and the sad condition of what used to be a vibrant, attractive, unique school known as Dr Graham's School originally dedicated unselfishly to the values, its mission and the very principles and mottos that it created and represented successfully.

Like most other OGB's (I am sure),  - I now wait with a glimmer of hope.

George Fielding-Tweedie

George Fielding-Tweedie


Gloria,  I don't think the OGB silence is because no one cares, however like us, there is a general helplessness as the site has been operated and maintained since its creation by one or two individuals who apart from enjoying the mingling on the site have, as it seems, not been far sighted or perhaps even interested enough to divulge, share or invite the OGB's to participate in true alumni fashion to an ongoing maintenance of this site.

Having said this I believe -

1.  a good number of us are caught up with our very own daily hectic and busy lifestyles which is quite understandable.

2. rather than be hassled with the technicalities of site restoration, OGB communicative links are still channeled through other sites like facebook and several others.

3. I sense a 'generation gaps' because even when the site was alive and kickin' it seemed to be frequented more by one particular generation than others. Which is a shame because I would have ideally loved to see both old and young generations come together on this site with a spirit of togetherness, unity and common ground. Obviously the true model or intention of having an OGB Alumni has never ever struck home. I recall in a much earlier stage suggesting that we frame a Mission like Statement for the Alumni but it never came to be.

Well let's keep the good old fingers crossed for a speedy ressurection



Gloria Noel


Hi George

I quite agree with all that you have said, I feel sad, as it looks like no body
seems to care weather the Site exists or not, apart from you and me, there
are no other OGBs  interested in this Site, so I guess we are landing up in the
trash box.

Come on OGBs, lets get together and do something, after all this is all our
memories we are talking about.


-- Edited by administrator on Tuesday 2nd of February 2010 11:27:02 AM

George Fielding-Tweedie


Gloria do you get the eerie feeling that our two articulate  and concerned voices are going straight into trash cans??

I have remained silent for a good 12 days or so on this subject, hoping and waiting in positive anticipation for an update or even a word that brings a solution however
there is silence, silence and more silence.

Perhaps there is some stupidity and overdesire on our part for wanting the Photo Album - 'a treasure of memories' given back to us.

I request the Site Admin bring their extended vacation to a close.



Gloria Noel


Hi Errol,

With you there, I can start to relax, because I know you will soon have the ball rolling, always said 'every problem has a salutation' we are all behind John and you.



Gloria Noel


Hello George,

I quite agree on all that you have said, I feel the same way, I hope the Site

Admin will do something about it real soon.



George Fielding-Tweedie


My Dear Site Admin,

Somehow I kinda sniffed out the underlying issue/problem - cash!!!.

Personally I had no clue as to how this site was being operated or even financed for that matter and I am sure not many of us out there did. Having said this, the Site Admin should have placed all cards on the table from the the very onset to evaluate -

1. OGB desire to continue participation / maintaining the site
2. Whether there was sufficient interest enough so as to generate and maintain a small fund from OGBs towards the yearly upkeep (I presume) of the site.

 I am certain this could have been generated through either membership fees of a couple of $'s or/and small contributions made by proactive interested OGB's.

On one hand I would like to extend my personal thanks to John Rai for having had both heart and generosity to have sponsored this site for the number of years that it has been in existence, however I fail to understand why John allowed the expiry of this site for a lack of funds, without bringing this to the notice of the OGB's well in advance, particularly to those who have kept the flame of this site burning.

In my never to be humble opinion, this matter should have been presented to all OGB's for their valuable input, advice and last but not least, a workable and effective solution.

I certainly hope this issue does not collapse for want of a solution/s, like most of the other serious topics that have been raised and trashed on this Message Board in the past.

Do keep us posted regardless of the direction that it's heading.

Rgds to All


Site Admin


Dear George


Thank you for your concern. We wish more OGBs were like you and Gloria, ever vigilant and interested in this service.


At the moment the bitter half of the dghalumni team is busy in China on business. He tells me (the sweet half) that when he gets back to HK in a week, he will pay (again) the subscription for the domain name as his credit card had expired.


However, more important is, how are we to fund this in the future instead of leaving it up to poor old John Rai to put his generous hand in his pocket once a year. More to the point; is there enough interest from the rest of you out there to keep it going OR shall we all move to Facebook which is free.


All those of you who wish to make a comment/suggestion regarding this can do so here or email Admin at:


So please hold on a little longer and follow the example of that patient chap, eW. ;)

Gloria Daune Noel


Hi George,

You are quite right, all our memories seem to have been replaced by this FX Inc. I would also like to know who they are?

No body seems to have noticed your bold red message as yet, I wonder what the Site Admin. are doing about this!!!!!come on wake up man and do something PLEASE.(must not forget our manners).

Come on O G Bs  lets get together and do something about this Site!!!!



George Fielding-Tweedie



Is anybody home???

I am not amused at all with a wealth of our photographic memories being replaced by FX Inc (who are they by the way?).

Site Admin I do believe that some kind of explanation for all of us would be immensely gratifying - at least for the moment.

The suspense is killing me so is the silence!!

My humble regards (my New Year Resolutions),


George Fielding-Tweedie


Dear Site Admin:

Silence is supposed to be golden however the suspense of not being able to catch a glimpse of faces known and unknown exchanged on a rather refreshing, amusing and fun filled platform of this site is really gnawing at my usually calm and well composed disposition. Why even the 'stale' & over extended chant of music of Freedom has gone silent (If you tell me to turn up the volune control on my desktop, I will scream).

Forget the apologies. I would like to believe that I am living upto one of my 2010 resolutions by being more patient, understanding and tolerant, so I'll settle for a simple reason or cause.

If you tell me that someone hasn't paid up and smiled - I will scream!! I have in the long ago past cautioned and weighed the risks of placing the onus of this site on one single body. For all I know a crucial supporter or supporters of this practically life infusing site has/ have probably been whisked of to Afghanistan.

I pray not!!

A strong supporter in noise or in silence


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