Post Info TOPIC: Chaos in the Homes - Friday 3 April 2009
George Fielding-Tweedie

RE: Chaos in the Homes - Friday 3 April 2009

My Dear Fellow OGB's

Boy! do I regret missing part of the action on this outspoken, volatile yet very valid topic.

A lot of you appear to have some really first hand information on the school and its current affairs and have expressed yourself unselfishly with emotions and very powerful feelings  for the unbelievable and unacceptable times that have befallen a school that was once an integral part of our early to late childhood lives in one way or the other.

On more than one occasion topics bearing striking similarity have been raised. The sad and enormously frustrating aspect, however of these open ended debates and 'voices of wisdom and concern' is that they continue to lack officially designated representation. As a result all the the positive and good that could emerge from this large community of intelligent and perceptive voices eventually meets a grusome death of silence and despair.

What a waste!! is all I can say.

I recall one voice suggesting an OGB Rep to bridge and communicate between Management Boards, Admin on Site and of course the vast pool of OGB's around the world. A fantastic concept for starters but unfortunately minus the jet propulsion to take it to stage 2.

At this point of time all I can do is to encourage all of you to continue voicing your thoughts, fears, concerns with possible solutions. Mere speculation of any type or rumour is certainly not worthwhile and attracts negativity. For all we know we may all live long enough to see the ressuscitation, change and resculpturing of our school that should really be positioned to positively mpact and benefit the advancement of future generations to come.

I have good reason to believe that our temporary struggle to get our Alumni website back on the road again is not far. I have fingers crossed. So regardless of the generation that you slot yourself into - you must continue to believe that you are still an integral member of the OGB family. I am certain the unique culture, background, complexities, education, fun, laughter and song of our times will continue to weave us together into one unmistakable pattern, for life.

Chins up!! and all the very best to all of you wherever you are out there.

George Fielding-Tweedie

Chitiz Khawas


Dear Grahamites

It is absolutely clear that we all love the school we went to........the feeling, I will take tha liberty to presume, is MUTUAL.

Having said that, there are things that I would like to quote, simple ideas but effective thoughts, that we all need to consider:

1) "What now?" (Tashi H)

2) "even to a young mind like mine " (zigmee wangchuk)
{zigmee, the thought matters more than the age}

3) John,  if you have any serious queries or doubts, I think the best would be to follow the the procedure of addressing them to the Board of Management.

My advice to you is .... take a page from our Homes mentors' book to name a few i.e. Rev. Webster, Aunty Burns, Ms Colquhoun, Mr. Brooks amongst many others, who not only were but still are dedicated ambassadors of our Homes.  Their unconditional love, dedication and service to the Homes, should be an example and learning factor to all us OGBs.

I returned from Sunday service this morning held at our beautiful Katherine Graham Chapel and what a wonderful Palm Sunday Service - a visiting preacher had come and his first remark was of amazement, saying how he had never seen so many children as part of a congregation.  John, let me tell you, God is the center of our Homes and He has carried the school through 108 + years and I am certain there will be many years more.

Take care and God bless.

{Christine, your good intentions are appreciated, but why is our Homes in the state that it is? No one is liable to answer my question, but that doesnt change the situation}




Phew! That was close. Thanks site admin.
 And in the blue corner is...the abs footie guy from NZ..BOOoo!
And in the red corner we have ... Rocky Balboa! C'mon the Homessss!

zigmee wangchuk


thank you!!

Site Admin


Zigmee - It appears that Tashi (Hishey? I presume?) is on your side. He is simply asking: What now? Where do we go from here? By the way, Zigmee, you should be registered in the database as an OGB in order to post here. Please register (top left corner "Register now") to confirm your OGB status. You are most welcome. :)

Zigmee Wangchuk


zigmee wangchuk:

with due respect to tashi H:: it is surprising to receive a reply from you in this manner...please be clear on this that "i do not need correction for what i write when iam expressing my views" and yes it is also totally impossible for me to write whats on your you so called it "punches"..if you have it why dont you quote it??when you can write "what now?"yourself..let us have our space too..

Tashi H wrote:

Zigmee Wanchuck has not pulled any punches when he lashes out at the Homes Management for its lack of effectiveness. He is acutely aware of the politics that drives the system at every level and its outcome.  That is the easy part. 

What now? Who is going to bell the cat? That is the hard part.

Discussions on forums become manifestations of impotency if not acted upon.

Act now or forever hold your peace.


Tashi H


Zigmee Wanchuck has not pulled any punches when he lashes out at the Homes Management for its lack of effectiveness. He is acutely aware of the politics that drives the system at every level and its outcome.  That is the easy part. 

What now? Who is going to bell the cat? That is the hard part.

Discussions on forums become manifestations of impotency if not acted upon.

Act now or forever hold your peace.

john rai


zigmee wangchuk:

it is very clear even to a young mind like mine that people who are working at Dr.Grahams Homes(which includes all teaching n non teaching staffs) are no less then a bunch of polticians...just one thing is left for them to do and that is give a name and form a party and start election from next acemedic year....i was a student for several years in dis beautiful and firm instution bt i cannot figure out till date,who actually was the protagonist leading our school...i would like to mention that there should be a single head in the "SCHOOL" to whom all the department heads and "TEACHERS" "ESPECIALLY" should be answerable and also he or she should be answerable only to the board of managment and concerned O.G.B'S and to nobody ELSE ....otherwise these "hungry for status"people will kill each other n also destroy this institution sooner or later....



Tashi H


I assume with all the internet chatter, the school management must have read the discussions in the forum. 

If I were the bursar, principal/headmaster I would have silenced the critics with a clarification in the forum and made things transparent and proactive.

The Homes is an unique school. As long as OGBs and sponsors continue to fund the school even in the smallest way, it is the school's responsibility to interact and manage the school like an extended family.

I would advise the school to create a mailing list of all the OBGs and sponsors, emailing with regular updates once a month. This should stem the gossip that is bleeding the good name of the Homes.

Dear Homes, in the age of the internet, silence in not an option.

Tashi H


Permalink would like to remind those that use and view this message board that the views expressed here are those of individuals and not those of the administration.

The message board is provided so that you may express those views as individuals. This site was created specifically for social interaction between OGBs around the globe.

Some of us prefer to see the world through rose-coloured glasses (nothing wrong with that). Some of us, on the other hand, prefer to view the world through a magnifying glass (that, too, is OK).

Some of you have blamed the site for these topics / divisions.

Something to consider when you struggle with what you read here is this: "Don't shoot the messenger for delivering the message".

All views are encouraged (rose-coloured, magnified, whatever). :)

John Rai


Dear Tenzing and Chitiz,
Thanks to your meaningful feedback.
Any OGBs who believes in action then jot down ure interest at:



While on the subject of audits.  What is the current bursar's credentials to being the CFO (Bursar)? For that matter, what are the credentials of people holding offices in DGH, or is it just on the basis of longevity that posts are filled. Grow up Homes, you cannot rest on your past laurels, the 60s and 70s are long gone. 
In the business world (or any professional sports team), when a company is loosing ground, guess who goes out? the CEO and all those that are responsible.  We need new management with progressive ideas about running a class institution. And as materialistic as it sounds, good looking well maintained buildings also puts cheeks on the seats of the classrooms (more admissions).  
If the Homes, want to survive for the next 100 years, well intentioned prayers in the "Beautiful Katherine Graham memorial chapel" alone wont' solve any problems.
When will the school/board members understand that, class institutions survive not because of history alone but because the school listens to the suggestions and works alongside its alumnus organizations.
By the way, isn't having a boarding hostel while being the School bursar a conflict of interest issue. why isn't anyone bringing this up?
Ok Moog-bahadur will shut up.  May be Christine guest(nee Harris) has some more words of reassurance "that all is well on the hill".   Remember if you are not moving forward you are always falling behind, there is no standing still>
Bottom line, you have to run the school using sound business practices.  Unfettered pursuit of excellence producing a product that people will buy should be the the # 1 goal. just like my Econ 101 prof said, without which you might as well shut the doors now and save the money.

Chitiz Khawas


Dear friends

After going through all the discussions and concerns I feel I also need to share my views:

1) Without blaming anybody (I think I do not have the right coz when I ask myself what I have done for Homes there is no answer), I would like point to the fact that the condition of the buildings have gotten, without any doubt, extremely poor. Gone are the signs of the perfectly polished, gleaming floors! One would need to visit to believe! Given this situation, it is but natural that every OGB ask 'how'?

2) Focussing on the problems, should not mean only focussing on things like corruption, malpractices, poor management or politics. Rather, as an OGB, I believe that other matters which directly relate to/affect students are equally, if not more important (Hats off to Melvin who came out to give an example and suggested an OGB office on campus)

3) Does the Homes not have to go through an audit? If not, its really very surpirsing!

I hope all concerns lead to something fruitful for our Homes.

Christine Guest (nee Harris)

RE: Chaos in the Homes NOT TRUE AT ALL - Friday 3 April 2009

June, there were many OGBs who contacted me re the "chaos in the Homes" topic and just like you - they understood the issue better and are going to strive to hold our Homes together, by focusing on prayers, unity and assistance.  Will stay in touch, as some of us have plans and new ideas of helping the school.  God bless.

Christine Guest (nee Harris)


Jacqui - absolutely true what you have responded - positive thoughts and way to move forward and rise above all odds, Homes will stand tall because GOD is with our school.
I will be in touch.
Keep smiling and God bless

June Mendez

RE: Chaos in the Homes - Friday 3 April 2009

Hi Christine,
Thanks for putting all our hearts at ease. We live so far away and little rumours snowball into such big things.  John made the whole thing sound like such a huge crisis that it brought us all scuttling to the forum to air our views.. not all positive.
I called up Mr. Brooks immediately to find out if he knew anything and he told me that a mountain was being made of a mole hill.
Anyway like Aunty Burns always used to tell us in cottage.... if God be for us then who can be against us? So if the Homes still holds onto the good values that it had and keeps God in the centre of things then it will go on from strength to strength with the massive support of us OGBs. One thing positive which has come out of this is that it has shown that we are all protective of our alma mater and our ready to pitch in if needed.

Jacqui Hibbert


Thank you Christine for your quick reply to my inquiry.  I appreciate it very much and it is very important that the truth come out before too much damage is done by repeating baseless rumours.  As part of the Kalimpong family we should all do whatever we can to support the Homes and improve conditions for the children who live and attend school there.   OGBs are a valuable resource and can be the instruments of great change, as long as that change is made with care and caution and accurate information.  There is always room for improvement in any institution in any country and the Homes is no different.  

christine guest

Chaos in the Homes - NOT TRUE AT ALL.

PRAYERS, that's what the Homes needs and genuine dedicated ambassadors.  We all have to help the Homes in overcoming and rising above difficult times, but that doesn't call for saying "chaos in the Homes". 


Here's some concrete information that I can give you i.e.

Principal, Mr A Sampayo, has resigned(because of family obligations - this is the reason A. Sampayo has announced to one and all) and the Board has appointed Mr Philip Gibson, an eminent psychologist and professional from the UK, as Chief Executive of the Homes.He is to take up his appointment in Kalimpong with effect from 15th April 2009.The Board has also appointed Mr S L Banerjee, Senior Master, as Headmaster of the Homes with effect from 1st April 2009.

The Board and the Local Advisory Committee will closely work with the team of the Chief Executive, Bursar and Headmaster to ensure that the Homes operates smoothly and efficiently.Mr Gibson has vast experience in the UK and also has been three months in Kalimpong studying the Homes before he was offered an appointment by the Board of Management.


Continue to pray and remember John & all OGBs, united we stand, divided we fall, let's learn from our mentors(mentioned in my earlier message esp. Revd Webster & Aunty Burns) spend less time in idle gossip or speculation, but to strive harder in assisting the Homes to grow from strength to strength.


Keep smiling and God bless




John Rai

RE: Chaos in the Homes - Friday 3 April 2009

Dear Christine,

Thanks for the response and the advice.

Yes, Daddy Graham founded this Homes in 1900 with Christ like Love. Unselfish and sacrificial yet powerful, but wheres that Love gone? I hope concerned ppl. will understand what am i talking about.

Let us ALL pray that HOMES will have a new Principal soon, who will quailify academically and experience wise - probably OGB!!!


Christine Guest wrote:


John,  if you have any serious queries or doubts, I think the best would be to follow the the procedure of addressing them to the Board of Management.

My advice to you is .... take a page from our Homes mentors' book to name a few i.e. Rev. Webster, Aunty Burns, Ms Colquhoun, Mr. Brooks amongst many others, who not only were but still are dedicated ambassadors of our Homes.  Their unconditional love, dedication and service to the Homes, should be an example and learning factor to all us OGBs.

I returned from Sunday service this morning held at our beautiful Katherine Graham Chapel and what a wonderful Palm Sunday Service - a visiting preacher had come and his first remark was of amazement, saying how he had never seen so many children as part of a congregation.  John, let me tell you, God is the center of our Homes and He has carried the school through 108 + years and I am certain there will be many years more.

Take care and God bless.


Christine Guest

RE: Chaos not in the Homes but on the dghalumni website - Friday 3 April 2009

John,  if you have any serious queries or doubts, I think the best would be to follow the the procedure of addressing them to the Board of Management.

My advice to you is .... take a page from our Homes mentors' book to name a few i.e. Rev. Webster, Aunty Burns, Ms Colquhoun, Mr. Brooks amongst many others, who not only were but still are dedicated ambassadors of our Homes.  Their unconditional love, dedication and service to the Homes, should be an example and learning factor to all us OGBs.

I returned from Sunday service this morning held at our beautiful Katherine Graham Chapel and what a wonderful Palm Sunday Service - a visiting preacher had come and his first remark was of amazement, saying how he had never seen so many children as part of a congregation.  John, let me tell you, God is the center of our Homes and He has carried the school through 108 + years and I am certain there will be many years more.

Take care and God bless.

John Rai

RE: Chaos in the Homes - Friday 3 April 2009

Hi Christine,
Thanks a lot for the info. I hope there will be more staffs involvement here.
Finally we have one. But now the chaos are getting bit serious, as u can see the discussions below.
I hope u will enlighten us by saying that our HOMES is not effected in anyways with corruptions and
Dirty politics etc. But its just a prank.
Then assuming your right we all should shut up and carry on with our own business.Indeed this will
Be the happy ending :)
Thank you,

Christine Guest wrote:

To Jacqui Hibbert and all OGBs

I, as a member of staff would like to respond to your request i.e....  if any one knows for a fact that staff are resigning on masse.  This is not true and all I can say it is sad that such shallow talk is being circulated without verification.


Christine Guest

Chaos .... not in the Homes but on the dghalumni website.

To Jacqui Hibbert and all OGBs

I, as a member of staff would like to respond to your request i.e....  if any one knows for a fact that staff are resigning on masse.  This is not true and all I can say it is sad that such shallow talk is being circulated without verification.


June Mendez

RE: Chaos in the Homes - Friday 3 April 2009

Hey John,

I've also been hearing rumours about the state of the Homes and it is indeed very sad. What i was given to understand was that a few local teachers had started a teacher's union wherein everything was being decided without taking OGBs or their opinions into consideration.  If this is the state of the affairs things will definitely not work for an institution which has always had a strong base supported by OGBs.  I also believe the number of sponsored children is very minimal. I've been wanting to sponsor a child for a long time but with my own personal experiences with the sponsored office i've been frightened to do so.
I remember that i had wonderful sponsors who always sent me various sums of money $25, $50 very often. Aunty Burns always made it a point to take us shopping and saw that the money was well spent.  However towards the latter part of my years in DGH, aunty suggested that a bank account be opened in my name and the gifts put into that since it would benefit me once i left school. So the shopping became less since i always stated that the money would be put in an account.  Imagine my surprise when i was leaving school and enquired about the same to be told that there wasn't an account of any sort and i'd spent all the money.  Aunty Burns couldn't fight for the same since there was no proof and she wasn't worldly wise on these matters either and so it was forgotten. All these years later i haven't forgotten because i know what i sacrificed at that point of time being a sponsored child.
I visited the Homes last November and i was quite shocked to see the place in shambles.  I visited my cottage Woodburn with my children but imagine the unpleasant surprise when i took them up to the dormitory and saw that most of the beds hadn't been made and the place looked a mess.  My daughter turned to me and enquiringly since i'm very particular about their room and always cite Woodburn and DGH as an example of good values and cleanliness.
I know it will be heartbreaking for many if our wonderful Home is destroyed by people who only see the walls and not the heart that built it.  Lets stand together to do something concrete so that this wonderful place stands this test too.

George A Borthwick


Like a lot of others who have already posted messages,  I am deeply saddened to hear of the situation pervading the Homes at this time.  I was very disappointed when I visited the Homes in 2000 from New Zealand where I live, the run down state of the place even then. 

I am a product of the Homes from the age of one month back in 1946 till I left from Fraser Hostel in 1964 and recall many happy memories and friends.  The school enjoyed a great academic record, sport and healthy living was the order of the day.  The few bullying incidents were treated as a part of growing up.  I recall having several sponsors mainly through the CCF and went on holidays to tea plantations, other cities and exciting places around the district. 

Since leaving the Homes and ultimately moving to New Zealand, I have been proud to in turn, sponsor three children from the Homes one after the other.

I have since been supportive of the NZ Committee and Thuten Kesang who has given so much time and energy to the Homes from NZ.  I have written separately to Thuten to offer support to turn this upseeting situation around.  I always regard the Homes as my 'Home' too.

George A Borthwick

Melvinn Alexcie Pattern .


I totally agree with you is focus on the corruption and maintaining .
I wish people had listened to me along time ago when I came out with the Idea of
having a OGB office in the Homes .So all the money for maintaining the Homes
go directly to the OGbs in the Homes and they would know How to handle it .

Now we are so shocked ,I dont know what to do ,I wish I could help more .But then who do we catch or who we pin point and put the blame on .

i pray to God that every thing works out fine ,and those great kids dont suffer .
God Bless DGH .

Site Admin


Thanks for your responses so far.

Once again we have people simply assuming that by using their first name everyone will know who they are. This Board is read by (probably) 300 OGBs (just a guesstimate) from the 1940s !!! onwards.

OK, so you are not Madonna or Elvis, right? So, please observe the clear directive at the top of this Board that says to use your full name when posting. :)

Then there is the person/s who use anonymous as a name -  why?

Thirdly, (most important) please stick to the current topic which is related to corruption and lack of maintenance in the Homes. If you have other personal issues you can't get over then feel free to talk amongst yourselves via email. Thankyou. :)

John Rai


This incident may be taken not seriously for some easy goers or taken as rumours or co-incident.
But this is collective incidents that's hapeening too rapidly in DGH which is very abnormal.
The most important data I have is from student and parents who are withdrawing their children randomly and why.
I hope evryone does their homework and spent some time to enquire with the leftist and rightist.

Jacqui Hibbert wrote:

Has anyone had verification of any of these rumours yet?  All I have heard officially is that the principal Mr. Aubrey Sampayo has resigned.  I heard nothing about mass resignations.   Can anyone state that they know for a fact that the staff are resigning on masse??

Jacqui Hibbert


Has anyone had verification of any of these rumours yet?  All I have heard officially is that the principal Mr. Aubrey Sampayo has resigned.  I heard nothing about mass resignations.   Can anyone state that they know for a fact that the staff are resigning on masse??

Thuji Lhamu


Hello John and OGBs,

Like many of you I was shocked to hear about the news at the Homes. However, I wasn't really clear about what was going on. Have the principal and staff all resigned, threatening to resign or been asked to resign? Is the school completely closed? What caused this sudden turn of event? What happens to the kids who don't really have homes to go back to? What is our board of Trustees doing?

Most importantly, what can we OGB's do on our part? Just discussing and rehashing old memories on this forum does not do the situation any good. What actions can we take? If it is as serious as it sounds - it is a big PR nightmare which can impact future generations greatly because sponsors and donors will no longer want to support the Homes under such circumstances.

Have OGB associations around the globe been informed about the recent happenings? If the official Homes team is not doing something about all this I think we OGB's need to step up. We need make sure that an insitution that gave so much to so many of us continues to do so. Please let us know how we can help.


John Rai


Dear Melvin,
Thanks for your partcipant and assurance.
Don't get me wrong. I just want to ask all people to FOCUS on the current matters.
Such as corruptions, dirty politics and selfishness among greedy authorities in the Homes
that's deteorating the value of DGH in daily basis.

Rhett Jones wrote:

Melvinn Alexcie Pattern. wrote:

Thank you for the sharing .
I am going to focus on one topic you wrote ,and that is Sexual Abuse .
I was a victum and now Im a survivor .

This is a public message board and I dont want to get into details ,but write to me and Ill let you know .
But thanks for bringing it in the open ,along time ago i was the guy who was most hated because i came out with the truth and no one liked it ,today whatever i said years ago is coming out in reality .

But lets also think positive and do something for the Homes ,after all even though we didnt get 100% we got this education ,food and basic clothing that has made us what we are today .
Melvinn pattern

Sadly the victims are the youngest kids, the ones who have barely any friends. I can name atleast one person responsible who is still around, but of course I'm not going to reveal names on this public forum.




Dear JR,
           I was really very sad to hear that our old school (HOME) has almost turned into shatters. there was curruption in our time too, i was there 4rm 78 to 90, well we did expirience the same thing as to what is happening 2day, the only thing was that we could never express our thoughts, i remember when i was in class 6, Mr Royan had asked the class as to how many full fees paying students  are there in the class, & there goes all the nonsponsored  guys put up there hands.Rubbish he said, all the sponsored students have minimum 3 to 4 sponsors 4rm different parts of the globe, and each sponsor pays the school fees 4da said students, & i alone had 4 sponsors, one 4rm England two 4rm Canada & i cant get the 4th sponsor, and you know the rest of the stories posted by the other OGB's. Its a real shame, that our 2nd HOME has become 4rm bad to worse, do keep us informed, as we also do care 4 r beloved home.

Tsering Dolma



What exactly happened? Do you know the details?



Rhett Jones


Anonymous wrote:

It is usually accepted that the teachers themselves are largely free from corruption. It's the rest of the staff (office staff, house parents etc) that have the corrupt. I remember when I left DGH in 91, I was called to the Birkmyre Hostel in Kolkata by Mrs. Baker and asked to write to the sponsors thanking them for stuff I hadn't recieved and to continue to sponsor other kids.

Someone here mentioned that sponsored kids used to get what they were sent. Most sponsors sent money..say a typical amount $20-30 dollars or £. The sponsor office would take one shopping and the kid would get something like a tshirt or some such, which if you calculate the value, would have probably come to 5- 10 dollars at most. I'm talking about my time here. I could give other examples from personal experience. I've heard it's gotten worse.

Another matter which I think has been largely hidden is abuse. Sexual abuse does occur in the Homes. The kids who've faced that keep silent because there is no recourse to any form of help. I've witnessed stuff which would most definitely cause schools to be closed down here in the UK.

The solution is an OGB Council, with representatives from the sponsor associations, that has the power to create change in the school. My grandfather was in school when Dr. Graham was there. My question is..who actually owns the school?

Sorry, I forgot to put my name.

Craig Francis


Hi Kunzang,

"it is very sad to hear that sponsored children do not get what is meant for them but are compelled to write Thank you notes - this is too hard to believe" is true, shocking isn't it, this isn't something that is just taking place. i was a sponsored kid back in school and to day that i got nothing would be very ungarteful on my part, I was well taken care off right from clothing, education to pocket money so i wish to express my heartfet gratitude to each and every individual who go thru such hard times just so that someone in another part of the world could have a better life however there are dome who don't think the same way, as sponsored kids we often wrote letters that were mostly dictated to us............... so one can well imagine the context of the letter. it's hard growing up as sponsored kids in homes each moment we were made to realize the obligation and made to feel it. no matter how hard we try there is nothing much we can do about it................ i mean these guys will still be made to write thank you notes for what they have never recieved. i appreciate the concern though and if there is anything that we can do just let us know after all we definetily understand what those kids are going thru. We walked the same road once

Kunzang Lhamu


Dear all,

This news has really alarmed me and although there had been some discussions on this in this forum some time ago, I did not think that it would come to this. I think that as OGBs we should do something from our side - it is very sad to hear that sponsored children do not get what is meant for them but are compelled to write Thank you notes - this is too hard to believe. First of all we would like somebody in the Homes to enlighten us further.  I think we all love our Homes too much to ignore the problems...lets join hands and do something to help.

Thuten Kesang


I am shocked to read what JR has written, is there any chance that Kalimpong OGB's
shed some light on this current situation in the Homes. 

OGB's all around the world have GREAT love for the HOMES but we can do very little
from far away. It would be great if the Kalimpong OGB's Association can up date us the true nature of the Homes situation and suggest how best we can help. Lets not dwell in the past, let look how we can make the Homes better for the future 100years.

Tashi Delek to all OGB's all around the world

Thuten Kesang

Sujeev Shakya


Its really a pity to hear this...not sure what we can do...may be the Nepal Alumni can meet and chalk out something that we can discuss with other chapters.

Anirban Bhattacharyya (icse90)


corruption in the homes has always existed. it was just as students we hardly realized it, till we stepped out. allegedly members of a certain family living on the campus for years have been involved in land grabbing, dadagiri, influencing locals, etc... and this is the buzz that i heard as a student since 89-90. during 88/89 (if there are any batchmates, pls see if i am correct) there was an uprising against the head-master when the school was plastered overnite with hand-made posters by people... we as students were shocked to see the school office covered in posters and people asking for headu to resign... does anyone else remember this or is it my sense of imagination? sponsored kids did get the goodies when it was being run by mrs. glashan. i remember mates of mine receiving books and watches for christmas. post the gnlf agitation in 88-89 dgh took a huge beating as infiltration was the key problem which led to land-grabbing, illegal hutments and settlements sprouting up everywhere based on just pure local strength. no one did anything then, and i guess the situation has got worse. letters sent to us were always read by the house-parents before they were handed over to us... which was a strange practise i thought then (being taught at the same time that "reading other people's letters is rude" ) but we werent forced to write that all was well and happy - tho our sunday inland letters that we wrote were checked again by the house parents - i think it was for spelling mistakes as well... when i visited the homes in the centennary i spoke to students there discreetly and asked them the situation - because everything seemed in shambles and ruin. they said that there indeed was corruption, they got poor food. And if i remember correctly we did have a heated argument in the Jarvie Hall regarding the state of the affairs, when OGBs demanded transparency. As is done in the corporate world, far removed from the idyllic world of dgh, auditors and audit companies step in and see that there is transparency and the funds money etc are being used correctly. I think one of the solutions is to get an Audit Team into the Homes - then corruption can be stemmed slowly but surely. the political scene is another hinderance, but homes has survived it many times - and if we step in now we can save our Homes - JR, please let me know what should the agenda be from hereon. I am still shocked at the events that have unfolded today. Do you know what the reason or trigger-event is, behind this sudden flash-decision for all to revolt simultaneously?

Melvinn Alexcie Pattern


Dear John .
Thank you for sharing this message with us .
Its so sad to see the Homes come to this stage .

I to was a sponsor boy and I know exactly how it feels to write letters stating you got everything but in actual fact you got nothing .
Why do people come to this stage of hurting this beautiful school .( even though I had it rough u must be knowing by now ) but I LOVE DGH .DGH is my home always .

I hope we all DGH /OGBs get together and stop this corruption and choas.
If you need my support please do not hesitate to call me and if you want me to call the school or any way I can support this please please let me know .

I feel so bad and my family too ,I just couldnt break the news to my daughter who just wants to visit the place and see how her dad grew up .
Once again I am always here and call me
I will do all my best to make that school the best and get back the confidence .
Melvinn Pattern

John Rai


Dear Rhett,

Thanks for the early response. Its true if sponsors know the situations they may have to think twice and i didnt like the idea how they dictate/censor the letter to child. I hope they will improve this habit.

Hi Rose Pandey,
I have heard ample of stories from students, OGBs and staffs but no hardcore evidence.
Therefore, i urge all those staffs and students those who experienced / witnessed the hostile and corruption act in the Homes to come forward here and let us know without any fear. I believe the changes can be done once the world knows the culprits and the necessary authorities such as boards and oversea committees take an strict action! 



Rhett Jones


The biggest corruption is how the sponsor office fools the foreign sponsors. Very rarely does what the sponsor send a child get to that child, in terms of cash etc. And then the child is forced to write a letter stating everything is ok. As all OGBs know, all letters to parents are censored, and it's even worse for letters to sponsors where one is often instructed what to write, with addresses being blocked out.

DGH is a great school, but needs the corruption removed.




Thank you for informing us, and it is very sad to hear the state of affairs of our beloved school. Just a few questions though...

1.Why is there such a vociferous outbreak, was there any specific event that triggered this?

2. What is it that we can do to change this?

3. It so easy to start the blame thing...but we need to help the situation get better....

Can you elaborate on the social malpractices and and corruption issues...from so far away is hard to know and say who is the person responsible and what action can be taken and for what we can petetion.
There is politics everywhere...we have to prolly discuss what the actual deal is before we come to any conclusions. Any update on that? Like what actually started all this and what do the teachers and staff want?


Site Admin - JR


This message was mailed to the members of DGHALUMNI.COM earlier

Dear Grahamites,

I don't feel pleasure to inform you that our old school is aging with unmaintained cottages and infrastuctures. But the School is surely infected with social viruses such as corruption and malpractices too.

We (OGBs) have been hearing lots of hostile news that threatens the life out of those working in this institute.

Today (3 April) theres a chaos in the Homes, Principal, house staffs and teachers have petitioned for resignation. Students are withdrawn and most of all - DGH has lost its face and good ole reputation????

We being product of this Great Institure and have our deep feelings for HOMES, I urge all OGBs to stand up and participate in our online forum (WWW.DGHFORUM.COM) to let the world know WHAT WENT WRONG in our HOMES and WHODUNIT??? And lets try to make the difference.

I hope the ones (staff and students) experienced such activities in the Homes would put an effort to disclose the world via WWW.DGHFORUM.COM for the good cause of our dear school.

Please goto WWW.DGHFORUM.COM today for the action!!! and pour out your dum (anguish)!


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