Post Info TOPIC: Christine, David, Desmond, George, Richard, Robert, Vernon, Warwick.
Christine Cramer

RE: Christine, David, Desmond, George, Richard, Robert, Vernon, Warwick.

Hello Des my sparing partner weirdface.gif, y u feeling 'ABS SKUN' eh with beautiful comments.....i would be preenin....wink.gif.....By the way now Vernon is feeling "ABS SKUN" coz he seems to be in hiding from this site....Vernon - where r u???? smile.gif

Christine Cramer


Hello David, what a shame close yet so far...the next time you happen to be this part of the world, do give me a holler...anyhow thank you...u guys r way too cool....wink.gif

Cheers Christine

David Gundlach


Hello Christine, I was at the Lytton shortly before your enquiry. Had we met up then, I would've said without hesitation that you call me 'David'. We already have too many uncles in Cal and Kpg! Now, even though we didn't meet up, you should have no hesitation calling me 'David'.

Christine Cramer


Thank you all u lovely GENTLEMEN. Now i can heave a sigh of relief..... still waiting for feedback from 4 more gentlemen though....wink.gif

Des, don't be a KANJUS CHAP....i still need 'POCKET MONEY' hahaha twisting my arm in trying to win some TAKKAS from u smile.gif Oh by the way, heard about your "left hand upper cut" at La Mart's, Lucknow & how ur knees were trembling b4 the fight in 1966......but you "Knocked Out" the fellow in the 1st round.......WOW.... ooohhhhh, now my knees are trembling asking u for Pocket Money hehehe.....

All u guys are gr8....

George Fielding-Tweedie


Lady Christine:

I always went through life thinking that George (without the Dragon) was simple enough to get by. So since I canm't keep simplicity as my last name - George is good - and you 'wonder woman' have that right thrust upon you.

In Canada you and I don't get the opportunity to differentiate - we are equals.

We need some more of you around. Anyone ready to take on the cloning??

George Fielding-Tweedie



All I can say is that you are one helluva lucky guy and I think it has something to do with the enviable hair that you still have on your pia mater.

With my - 'might as well have no hair' head they would probably call me gran pappy.

Maybe this has nothing to do with your hair maybe its because you have bee marketing yourself as a 'thaja'

You will always be Des, and just Des to us !!

What say you chaps??

George Fielding-Tweedie

Bowing Gracefully


I have a few things in my life for which I had to take out an insurance policy but my pants were not on the list. They just dropped (no vulgarity intended) when the suspenders that held them up came apart after a crazy bout of loonie-like, uncontrollable, rapturous laughter all to myself.

Chris I will hold you responsible for any insanity and demented reasons that my family send me off to Ranchi for, should they ever catch me in this almost pornographic state of undress and all to myself giggles.

Press on man !!!! Just don't change - this is the Chris Nagle that I remember.

Errol Webber


Many thanks Warwick Lee for (finally) updating your Profile and especially filling in the gaps for us in your Personal Message regarding your time in DGH. I implore all of you (all 300) to follow Warwicks lead and do the same. It is very easy and half the fun is sharing your school memories on this site.

With regard to your personal Profiles:

Chris Nagle - you could share much more; give it a shot!
Robert Martin - yours is very brief; you could fit a whole essay there; have a go!
Richard O - yours is blank.
David G - yours is even more blank (if there is such a thing!) and for someone who loves to write, well, what are you waiting for? You can tell a Pat yarn or two (I've heard).
Vernon - yours is just as 'bad'. Whats up, mate? Tell me a story or two and I will update it myself - what about those ghost-pat yarns? smile.gif

Christine has written quite a bit - thanks for your update and you can sure show up all these uncles of yours! (By the way, you can call me Errol, EJ or eW).
Desmond you are not even in the data-base - abs a skun chap or what! Words fail me biggrin.gif

Also, thanks to George for sending me a school snap today (long last). You can see it in 'Today's Photo'. Thanks pal and I look forward to a few more. Oh yes! And George has written a lovely para in his Personal Message and has promised to complete his "Thoughts on DGH/Memory Lane". I am looking forward to that.....

And, in another vein, I sometimes wonder - where is the rest of the UK crowd like, the Johnson gang, the Fegrado mob, the Monro trio.......?

By the way, folks, dont take offence to any of the above, it is said with a spirit of fun and frivolity but nevertheless - get cracking or its toonks all round !! biggrin.gif

Chris Nagle

RE: Christine, David, Desmond, George, Richard, Robert, Vernon, Warwick.

What do you guys thing? I should let Mr Webber off, also all the flights were full could not get on, by the time I got a seat I had cooled off , so Errol once again you managed to wangle out of a dangerous situation, if I was uncle Tut you would have had to weed the garden for 2 weeks, I can't remember who it was but kalu Robins through the black board duster ,the guy ducked & it went flying out the window,what about humming gob wood work master 2 fingers 1 thumb.

You are doing a great job Errol we owe you are thanks take a bow mate, just make sure that David Noel or Freddy Lindsey is not standing behind you.

Take care the to the magnificent 8.

Chris Magnificent Nagle (1966)biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Warwick Lee


Hi Christine,
Damn, Des beat me to it.  I was composing a message then felt the presence of the Head Prefect so went of, in a virtual sense, and updated my profile.  In the meantime Des slipped in first with his posting - typical of those Willingdon boys. 

Please call me Warwick.  I know from your postings that you are a well brought up young lady, but 'Uncle' would make me feel far too old.

George, I am not surprised if, even if we did overlap at the Homes, that you don't remember me.  I started to offed a somewhat lengthy explanation, then felt the presence of not only the Head Prefect, but the Spelling Monitor (aka Des), so I decided to update my profile (see Errol, I have updated it at last)   rather than take up too much space here.  So have a look at the profile for a heartfelt explanation. 

Christine Cramer


One "ROSE" among all you "THORNS" (but not prickly thorns at all)- ain't that superb....& am loving it...LOLsmile.gifwink.gif

Thank you George.....

And oh by the way all u lovely "GENTLEMEN" in a bit of dilemma, so please help me out it ok if i call u by ur given names???? (as in school we were taught to call anyone senior uncle/aunty) so pppplllleeeaaazzee.....what do i do?????

Love you GENTLEMEN......


George Fielding-Tweedie



Do you mean raising funds for a good cause??

Well this is a more serious topic and I will open a separate file for this so that all input goes into this file. I would love to join ranks with all of you in trashing out ways and means that we could use to generate a pool of funds for the betterment of DGH's aging infrastructure.

It is relatively easy to devise a number of ways in which we can do so however the real crunch will be in executing it. However everything is possible and all it needs is team effort and committment. We can begin with the brainstorming process. So lead on Bro and I will follow.

Start this up as a new Topic /subject when we talk about this again.

George Fielding-Tweedie


I believe what you tell me. So I rest my case. However she seems to have an admirable spirit for a young lady like her. What say you ?? Why don't you rest your case as well and allow the girl / woman to save up for her trip to DGH. Remember you have to earn your place in heaven!!

Take care buddy

George Fielding-Tweedie

RE: Go Girl Go !!


Like Warwick I have no recollection of you in School but yes!! 'maro goli' - who cares as long as we have another gritty, gutsy woman who is a part of all that nostalgia that we have running through our veins.

You are certainly our pride, in what appears to be currently, a male dominated site.

And Yes!!! I do have a lot for our Prefect the Honourable Mr Webber who is so darn loyal and devoted to running a successful site. Let's give him a big hand (as in clap not slap).

George Fielding-Tweedie

RE: Operation - 'Computers for the Best'


I just can't place you and I am not really sure whether we were all out there at KPG during the same years. I guess my determined memory needs to be jogged (toonked)from time to time.

However well done!!!!! it sounds like you have something going out there. Keep us all in the loop. I really wish you all luck and success in your efforts.

Errol Webber

Christine, David, Desmond, George, Richard, Robert, Vernon, Warwick.

OK, I'm sorry Chris N - make that the 'Magnificent 9' after all you did contribute on the 14th, 15th & 16th of April before I suggested this Message Board wink.gif and I happen to know that you regularly access the database which is very noble of you. Further, how could I forget chum when we would (sometimes) sit together in Art class (9A) and muck about much to Mr Robins' dismay. If you are all going to toonk me then I will just have to drag out my army helmet to cover my daab! Which flight will you be on, I'll pick you up!

Errol Webber


Hi Robert, (I am assuming this is Robert Martin and not Robert Leicester) smile.gif heh heh. Yes, I got the photo of you two trend-setters (thanks) but the file is very large at 4mb (should be less than half that size) so lets see if I can reduce it. Also you should give me details when you send photos like where, when, how, why etc. BTW do you have any old school shots?



Alright Errol, I'll do what you want, just don't chastize us anymore. You're one scary dude when you're angry. Did you get the photo of Chris Nagle and myself? I could not downsize it to get it into the photo album.
You're right about my memory too. It's all stuffed up. The result of misspent youth.

Chris Nagle


Hey Errol,

What about me how come I was not mentioned? Iam Really hurt,so hurt I want to maro goli, did you not read my comments,listen mate I feel like giving you a great big TUNK on your great big dhab, don't be to suprised if I am on the next flight to Perth & land up at your place,I am sure that Christine,David,Desmond,George,Robert,Vernon, Richard & Warwick would also like me to give you a Tunk.

Take care mate & all you Ogb's I'm in a hurry have to catch that flight.

Chris Nagle ( Wellingdon )cry.gifcry.gif

Christine Cramer


Hi the balance 'magnificent & mischevious 7' - nice to c u all here hehehesmile.giffeeling scared of our Prefect eh - Hi Errol!!!!smile.gifwink.gifDes, this forum is good & u'll definitely get used to it - tryin to win that bet....i told Vernon i'm gonna save the takkas for my trip to DGH "LOL"..... and don't worry about spellin mistakes - as George says - "MARO GOLI".....who cares anyway, we are all out here to have fun and get to know each other....

Hi Warwick, i'm tryin my level best here....let's see what i can dobiggrin.gifwink.gif

See ya around
Elliot Kothi

Warwick Lee


Well...not sure if we are the 'Magnificent Eight', or eight mischevious kids put in the naughty corner by the Head Prefect!  smile.gif 

On another matter entirely you might be interested to know that I am at the moment working with Rotary here in Tassie to see if I can get support for what is called a matching grant with the Kalimpong Rotary Club for a project they have which would put computers into village schools in the area.  I will keep you posted on progress with this.  Support shouldn't be a problem as I have been able to help my local club recently.  George, might be a possible future vehicle for funding for the Homes?
Christine, how is that bet going?  Found anyone younger than us to comment (shouldn't be hard!)  
Cheers for now, and Errol it is a little cold here but still fairly mild - no need for a fire yet tell Nissa. 

Errol Webber


Des - You can't edit. Best thing is: check first before you click on 'Submit Post'.

John Rai

RE: Christine, David, Desmond, George, Richard, Robert, Vernon, Warwick.

Dear OGBs,
Thanks for makin good use of this site, many thanks to Mr. Errol for piloting it.
I have just replied a previous message with the title "Message Board". Theres an instruction on how to link those pictures from "Online DGH Album" to this "Message board".
I hope it intrest you all.
Good luck,

George Fielding-Tweedie


Des My Dear Man:

If I were you I wouldn't worry too much about the unintentional spelling errors. I for one don't care.

Hey!! as long as the message comes from you or others with an expression of fun, humour, good intent, a memory or recap of some of the most wonderful moments in our earlier lives at DGH and most of all the bonding that we have with one another regardless of how great the distance that separates us I would say this is all that really counts. So 'maro goli'.

I must tell you that I am glad that we have Errol our Dad around to wave his magical wand at us from time to time so let's not 'maro' him but 'choro' him. On the other hand I do sympathize with Nissa.

Regarding a photograph I truly did not want to plant one on this beautiful site and frighten all you guys off forever, however Des for your sake buddy I will try and see if I can grab one to calm you down.

Errol Webber

Christine, David, Desmond, George, Richard, Robert, Vernon, Warwick.

You ogbs (named) have been using and monopolising smile.gif the 'Photo Album' as a Message Board" and we thank you for that and please continue to comment on the photos themselves. However you could (also) continue your discussions here using this topic if you so desire. So please, over to you, the 'Magnificent 8' who have actively participated in the 'Photo Album' section and in so doing have helped to maintain a keen interest in this site..........eW

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